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Optics, autumn 2013 S-108.2110 Lectures:Pasi Manninen, Tuomas Hieta, Meelis Sildoja,

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Presentation on theme: "Optics, autumn 2013 S-108.2110 Lectures:Pasi Manninen, Tuomas Hieta, Meelis Sildoja,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Optics, autumn 2013 S-108.2110 Lectures:Pasi Manninen, Tuomas Hieta, Meelis Sildoja, (room I439) Exercises:Priit Jaanson, Aigar Vaigu, (room I439) Lab works: Meelis Sildoja

2 Lectures: 10 lectures + 1 spare session, if needed, for questions and answers. Lab works: 6 lab works divided between two weeks. First week 3 three lab works, second week other 3 lab works. All three lab works will be made in one 3 hour session. One session will fit 6 persons. Lab works will be held on weeks 40 and 41 on Wednesdays (2 sessions) and Thursdays (2 sessions). Division to groups will be arranged later. Exercises: 6 sessions. Each session contains 4 example exercises. In advance student solves 2 home exercises and returns them in the beginning of the exercise session. First exercises are uploaded to Noppa.

3 Course is based on the book by Erkki Ikonen and Tony Laurila „Optiikan perusteet“. Book can be bought from Unigrafia Other material: Optics 4th ed, Eugene Hecht, Addison Wesley, 2002 (widely used in universities) Introduction to optics 3rd ed, Frank L. Pedrotti, Leno S. Pedrotti, Leno M. Pedrotti, 2007 (or some earlier edition) Principles of optics 7th ed, M. Born, E. Wolf, Cambridge University Press, 1999. Classic book, goes very deep Wikipedia

4 Course grading: Exam 30 points (5 questions, each 6 points) 6 x 2 exercises, each 0.5 points, total 6 x 2 x 0.5 = 6 points Feedback 1 point Participating in lab works Points Mark 0-10 0 11-13 1 14-18 2 19-23 3 25-29 4 30- 375 Exam dates: Ma21.10.20138.00-10.00A101 (S2) Ma17.02.201416.00-19.00A102 (S1)

5 Course contents sädeoptiikka (ray tracing) aalto-optiikka (wave optics) radiometria (radiometry) koherenssi, interferenssi ja laser (coherence, interference, laser) diffraktio (diffraction) valokuitujen optiikka (sovelluksena tietoliikenne) (fiber optics and telecommunication)

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