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Enosa Auva’a Carol Cardno. The context – Pasifika in NZ New Zealand is a South pacific nation. Pacific Islanders in New Zealand includes Fijian,Niuean,Samoan,Tokelau.

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Presentation on theme: "Enosa Auva’a Carol Cardno. The context – Pasifika in NZ New Zealand is a South pacific nation. Pacific Islanders in New Zealand includes Fijian,Niuean,Samoan,Tokelau."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enosa Auva’a Carol Cardno

2 The context – Pasifika in NZ New Zealand is a South pacific nation. Pacific Islanders in New Zealand includes Fijian,Niuean,Samoan,Tokelau and Tongan. Urban settlement: 97% of the Pasifika population. Auckland has 66.7% of the total New Zealand PI population (Ministry of Education, 2004). Currently one child in ten is PI, a ratio projected to rise to one in five by 2051 (Ministry of Education, 2004). The number of Pacific Islanders (PI) in principalship position had grown from 0.6% in 1998 to 0.9% in 2004 (Ministry of Education 2005). In 2006 around 86% of principals were of European origin, 9% of Maori origin and 5% of “other” ethnic origin (Brooking, 2007).

3 My Story Pacific Islander born in Samoa Migrated to New Zealand 1970 Started my teaching career in 1982 Senior management positions in 1989 Principal 1991 Pathway Experiences as a Pacific Island Educational Leader.

4 Reflective question Have we got similar stories from other ethnic minority groups here and could we share them among ourselves?

5 The Research Study This research investigated conditions and factors, reasonings and explanations of why there are so few PI principals in New Zealand schools. The participants of this study were PI teachers working as AP/DPs in primary and intermediate schools in the Auckland area. Pacific Island perspective research. Personal motivation as a pacific island principal.

6 Key findings of the Study Lack of confidence Unavailability of professional networking Lack of career planning Ethnicity barriers Ethnicity advantages Need for targeted leadership development

7 Lack of confidence With the system and in their ability to manage themselves within it. Having little or no experience in a leadership role. Lack of qualifications. Personal confidence and preparation. Socialisation experiences for example the school’s professional development programme. Appointment process. To talk about their own real experiences (Silent Voice).

8 Unavailability of professional networking Inadequate network and resources. Did not have the support to consider principalship as a career option.

9 Lack of career planning Participants in this study had no experience of career planning and were not engaged in this towards principal positions They had been promoted serendipitously They were not being given support for this from other professionals “I fell into this relieving job as a senior teacher and while I was at that school the AP job came up and I was appointed and then the DP fell ill and I was put in acting DP’s the DP passed away and our principal restructured... so I was the DP, and here I am today.”

10 Ethnicity barriers Being a PI was a barrier for achieving promotion in higher roles in schools. They said: “I hate to say... NZ is a great country but there is element of racism... I see it in people’s faces when I turn up to my AP/DP meetings;” and “unless you are going into a community that is very much PI... you’ve just got to work a little bit more harder in order to prove that you can actually match your peers.”

11 Ethnicity enablers Critical mass required: A targeted professional development on leadership to progress to higher roles in schools. Increase Pacifc Island Role Model : Acknowledge the difficulties PIs face career making decision. Research Pasifika leadership needs and that these needs are related to leadership development, to support the provision of relevant professional development.

12 Need for targeted leadership development A key finding of this study was for a PI-specific programme to be set up for PIs aiming for principalship their specific needs would to be addressed by a such a programme. such a programme would acknowledge their uniqueness as Pacific Islanders. and would address issues specific to Pacific teachers. A PI-specific programme would provide an additional way, and pathways, to a leadership development for a group that is already disadvantaged because of race and ethnic heritage.

13 Leadership development Leadership development has become a high priority aspect of professional development in New Zealand Kiwi Leadership for Principals and Professional Leadership Plan 2009 – 2012 ( development/Professional-Leadership-Plan) development/Professional-Leadership-Plan Programmes for aspiring principals (2 out of 250 were Pasifika participants) Programmes for experienced principals (launched) Pasifika plan refers to need to develop practising and potential pasifika leaders in schools No take-up as yet of the notion of targeted leadership development for this ethnic minority group

14 Aims for a Pasifika LDP Enosa’s research found that the participants were excited by the notion of a programme targeted to their specific needs Such a programme could Reflect a particular Pacific Island learning culture Allow participants to relax among similar ethnic colleagues Bolster confidence because a unique Pacific Island learning environment might feel ‘safer’ to open up in The unique, targeted programme is not seen as an alternative to but an addition to the generic provision in the form of national programmes

15 The components of a Pasifika Leadership Development Programme My story - What is means to be a Pacific Island leader (at all levels) in a school Other’s stories – How to succeed as a Pacific Island principal How to build networks inside and outside the school How to find mentors Career progression issues within the Pacific Island community Knowledge of roles and regulations for appointment How to build confidence

16 Reflective question What are your thoughts about the needs of this group of aspiring Pasifika principals?

17 Wrap up What will change for this group of aspiring PI? How do we make things change? What could be tipping points for this group of aspiring leaders? As a Pacific Island Leader what were the tipping points for me? Completing my Thesis: Aspiring Towards Principalship: A Pacific Island Perspective Being awarded the New Zealand Fulbright Senior Scholar Award for 2010 What will I learn from the study of Minority leaders in principalship positions and what could this mean for PI aspiring leaders in New Zealand?

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