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Department of Environment and Conservation Education Programs

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1 Department of Environment and Conservation Education Programs

2 DEC Education Programs  AirWatch: Linley Brown  Eco-Education: Stephen Crane  Clean Schools: Cathy Hadlow  Place Based Education: Fiona Marr  Ribbons of Blue: Richard Olive  Waste Wise Schools: Wendy Aspden

3 and

4 The AUSSI hand and footprints

5 Place-based learning  Place?  We all live and work in a place…  Most West Australians live on the Swan Coastal Plain

6 Place-based learning learning in the outdoors Kitchen gardens Designing signage Making nest boxes

7 Learning in the local built environment About Energy About Waste

8 AirWatch  Supporting students and teachers to better understand and take action on our local and global air issues.  Climate change  Weather What do we offer?  Air polluting  Air quality

9 Energy Smart for Air (ESfA) – student led energy behaviour change program. Program- Run over 1 to 2 terms. Facilitated by AirWatch staff=Teacher PD. Student work shop and incursions – focus on energy use, sustainability. And climate change. BoM PD – primary and secondary and Dip Ed students – climate change knowledge. Resources : Air quality, weather and pollution

10 AirWatch  Contact: Nicole Sabatino   Ph:6467 5677 

11  EcoEducation encourages nature-based learning aiming to conserve biodiversity and ecosystems.  EcoEducation has hosted more than 250,000 students and teachers in 17 years, conducting about 1 million hours in outside environmental programs.  EcoEducation was a Finalist in the 2010 national Eureka Science Prizes.

12 What do we offer?  Excursions – leaders conducting hands-on learning for groups  Incursions (we come to you)  Professional Learning for teachers  On-line and printed resources

13  EcoEducation contacts: Perth Hills: 9295 6149 South West: 9735 1909 Manager: Elaine Horne 9334 0387 EcoEducation

14 Clean Schools  A whole of school education and intervention campaign to reduce litter and change littering behaviour in your school.  Keep Australia Beautiful provides: professional development curriculum based teaching and learning activities free resources  Contact: Kate MacRae


16 Ribbons of Blue  Ribbons of Blue provides teachers and their students with practical, hands-on learning experiences focusing on the sustainability of local waterways, wetlands and their ecosystems.  Website

17 Ribbons of Blue  Assists schools focus on a local wetland waterway Field activities  Macroinvertebrates  Water quality monitoring  Site assessment Curriculum materials  To enable teachers to run a program focussing on ecosystems Loan equipment Excursion / incursion


19 Waste Wise Schools Program  Assists schools to actively minimise school waste and litter with a focus on the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle  The program provides the following support to teachers and schools: Professional Learning Teaching resources Grants for waste minimising infrastructure Incursions and staff PD’s On-going support from the Waste Wise Team to metro and regional schools Website:

20 Composting- an art West Leeming Primary Recycle more at Yuluma Primary Primary Schools Worms eat the waste at Wirrabirra Primary! Waste Wise garden a community affair at Margaret River Primary

21 Australind SHS outdoor classroom Cornerstone Christian College recycling program Helena Snr College The community service students manage waste reduction strategies in their school, year sevens, the everyday running of their organic waste recycling projects. High Schools

22 Questions?

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