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A Few Jokes by Alex Click to continue. After each answer, click the mouse button to continue to the next joke.

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Presentation on theme: "A Few Jokes by Alex Click to continue. After each answer, click the mouse button to continue to the next joke."— Presentation transcript:


2 A Few Jokes by Alex Click to continue. After each answer, click the mouse button to continue to the next joke.

3 Why did the frog cross the road? To see his flat mate. CLICK FOR ANSWER

4 What dog can tell time? A watch dog!

5 CLICK FOR ANSWER What do you get when a chicken lays an egg on top of a barn? An eggroll!

6 CLICK FOR ANSWER Why are policemen so strong? Because they can hold up traffic!

7 CLICK FOR ANSWER What did the bee say to the flower? Hello honey!

8 CLICK FOR ANSWER What do you take off last before getting into bed? Your feet off the floor!

9 CLICK FOR ANSWER What does the winner of a race lose? His Breath!

10 The End I hope you had a giggle

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