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WA Early Years Groups’ Forum Kununurra Early Years Network Perth May 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "WA Early Years Groups’ Forum Kununurra Early Years Network Perth May 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 WA Early Years Groups’ Forum Kununurra Early Years Network Perth May 2011

2 Introduction Juan Fernando Larrañaga, Program Manager, Western Australian Program

3 Objective About us Early Years Network Overview Quarterly Network Meetings Belong, Be and Become Conference Kununurra Children and Family Centre Project AEDI Local Champion

4 Save the Children – Advocating for Children Sub text Arial 28pt Regular Save the Children International is the world’s largest independent child rights agency. Save the Children works in over 100 countries, including Australia, making a reality of children's rights to survival, development, protection and participation.

5 Our focus areas Save the Children works with disadvantaged children to reach their potential in three pivotal areas: Health Education Child Protection

6 Our work in Australia Sub heading Arial 32 pt Bold Text Arial 30pt regular Sub text Arial 28pt Regular

7 East Kimberley Communities for Children Programs Wyndham Early Learning Activity (WELA) Warmun Early Learning Centre Deadly Littlies Kununurra Early Learning Mobile Playscheme Early Years Network Community Activity Fund Small Grants

8 Early Years Network Kununurra EYN started in 2007 Aims of EYN Professional development and training opportunities Members: community members and services providers working with 0-12 year olds and their families Funding: $20,000 p.a. through FaHCSIA Communities for Children funding

9 Quarterly Network Meetings Important networking opportunity Allows collaboration across programs Representation from: –Local schools –Local government –State government: DCP, DET –Federal government: FaHCSIA, ICC –Community health and allied health –Aboriginal health service

10 Quarterly Network Meetings cont. –Childcare centres and family day care providers –Early learning centres and playgroups –Community centres –Community members Guest speakers present at meetings, including local professionals and visiting professionals

11 Quarterly Network Meetings cont. Resources needed: –Catering for meetings through C4C funding –Service provider support –Meeting minutes distributed via email –Meeting notices advertised in local paper

12 Quarterly Network Meetings cont. Challenges –Indigenous representation –Community member representation –Provision of creche –Mobility of staff and workers –Traditional mindset of local service providers –Collaboration between services and program provision.

13 Quarterly Network Meetings cont. Outcomes –Forum to keep members up to date –Forum to share relevant information –Networking opportunities are so valuable –Good opportunities to engage guest speakers

14 Belong, Be and Become Conference 2010-11 funding put towards 1 day conference Increased access to quality early childhood PD across the region Attended by 157 people, most from remote areas Speakers: Maggie Dent, Sue Hodges, Sue Gamba, Leonie Cecich, Veronica Johns, Peta Romeyn Two streams: service providers and parents

15 Belong, Be and Become Conference

16 Belong, Be and Become Conference cont. Resources needed: –Funding: Lotterywest, DEEWR, DET and FaHCSIA through C4C –Hands on support to organise –Used EYN extensively –EYN volunteers on the day –EYN members provided information and giveaways in conference bags

17 Belong, Be and Become Conference cont. Challenges –Ensuring information was distributed throughout the region: helped using EYN contacts –Venue options in Kununurra limited: especially given the two streams requiring two rooms –Ensuring content was relevant –Liaising with presenters from a distance

18 Belong, Be and Become Conference cont. Outcomes –Wonderful feedback from participants –Attendance of 157 people –Remote participants could attend with financial support for travel, accommodation and registration fees provided –Skilled presenters coming to the region –Great networking opportunity –Practical skills learned

19 Belong, Be and Become Conference cont. New Learnings –Significant planning and organisation required in the lead-up months –Needed strong committee set-up early –There is a need for events like this in the region

20 Kununurra Children and Family Centre Project Children and Family Centre (CFC) Scoping trip in 2009 Scoping Trip Funding: FaHCSIA and other local organisations Kununurra Children and Family Centre announcement Lobbying Government around the location and community consultation. Working Group with DET

21 Kununurra Children and Family Centre Project Cont. Resources needed: –Community support to approach DET –Community support for input into process –Funding approved from DET for community consultation to take place –Staff time to disseminate information and report back to community –Service provider support

22 Kununurra Children and Family Centre Project Cont. Challenges –Community ownership –Ensuring community and service providers are involved in the process –Talking to “the right” people –Balancing differing views in the community –Keeping everyone informed

23 Kununurra Children and Family Centre Project Cont. Outcomes –Scoping Trip Report completed –Inclusion of community in CFC process –Community consultation undertaken by local Aboriginal woman –Minister has approved site location in community’s preferred location –New building to be completed by end of 2012

24 AEDI Local Champion EYN focus on AEDI began in 2008 Dissemination of information Support to early childhood programs DET funded position for 9 months (Nov 2010 – Aug 2011)

25 AEDI Local Champion cont. Resources needed: –Funding to employ worker –Technical/information support from AEDI team in Perth –Community and service provider support –Support where gaps are identified in service provision

26 AEDI Local Champion cont. Challenges –Project covers a large geographical area –Scheduling travel at times that suit communities –Weather restricts travel at times

27 AEDI Local Champion cont. Outcomes –Strengthening of local knowledge –Local worker undertaking project is beneficial –Worker has travelled within the region to link up with service providers and community members –Opportunity to strengthen local networks and programs

28 For more information Visit our website: Or contact: Juan Larranaga, WA Program Manager Email: Ph: 9267 3900 Anthea Whan, Communities for Children Project Coordinator Email: Ph: 9168 2300

29 Thank you

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