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Deakin Ron Leen - APG Manager Arnie Phillips - IT Architect.

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2 EA @ Deakin Ron Leen - APG Manager Arnie Phillips - IT Architect

3 Background >Architecture & Planning Group  Formed 7 months ago  Consists of 4 (orphan) members - no logical relationship to existing org structure >A&P Group Priorities have changed over past two months  Formerly Business Strategy focus  Shifted to an EA focus >Some existing EA Products  Eg. Roadmap = IT User Requirements Plan (ITURP)  Prioritised list of IT Initiatives to support Uni strategic objectives  Identified through discussions with Snr Exec & Faculty Deans  Ratified by the IT Governance Group  Specific funding requirements for following year  Forecast funding requirements for subsequent two years

4 EA @ Deakin >The journey so far >Overview of Deakin EA Plan process >The way forward >Challenges, opportunities…

5 The Journey So Far >In the beginning…  Perceptions of ITSD No IT strategy; no understanding of IT “health”; no alignment with budget model; no strategic input; no business consultation; etc.  Confidence in ITSD Inability to manage or maintain IT current environment; inability to deliver reliable services; inability to justify technical decisions; etc.  Expectations of ITSD Forget “the future” (for now) – improve “the current” >…the 2006 Review of ITSD

6 The Journey So Far…cont’d >Recommendations from the ITSD Review  Develop an IT Plan defining a University wide strategic direction for IT  Develop a formal process for succession planning of Deakin’s suite of applications  Develop an approach to standardise principles and maximise reuse of IT assets  Develop a portfolio approach to IT environment management  Develop Pgm Mgmt processes to ensure strategic alignment of project deliverables  Develop Pgm Mgmt processes to ensure transparency of project financials

7 The Journey So Far…cont’d >Interpreting the Review  Understanding EA TOGAF / Zachman / Gartner / etc.  Interpreting Deakin’s EA Approach Success criteria, deliverables, and expectations  Define the Deakin EA Plan (DEAP) process Review of existing, investigation of “tried”, design for Deakin  Alignment with Existing Processes Inter-alignment – Strat Mgmt, Budget Cycle, Pgm Mgmt, Portf. Mgmt Intra-alignment – New Initiatives, Ongoing Requirements, Tech Mgmt, etc.

8 The Journey So Far…cont’d >The Birth of EA @ Deakin  ITSD – The logical way to address the Review recommendations  Snr Exec – The answer to their (our) problems >What we did…  What is EA?  What were Deakin’s expectations of EA?  How these expectations should be satisfied?  How EA will “fit” at Deakin? >The Deakin Enterprise Architecture Plan (DEAP) was born…

9 The DEAP Process

10 Strategic Objective Definition IT Initiatives Prioritised IT Initiatives Project List Project Management TDUF Via Snr Exec Interviews FAPs “New Initiatives” Overlay

11 Required Maintenance Activities Agreed Maintenance Activities Project Management Supported Applications List Via Business Consultation “Ongoing Req’s” Overlay

12 Portfolio Management >Development of a “Portfolio Mgmt System” (PortMan)  Support Asset Lifecycle Management (ALM) activities  Phase One Replace existing data repositories; integrate with existing CMDB; record service availability and performance metrics (actual and perceived).  Future Phases Formal ALM reporting; University wide data repository; financial aspects; registry of all IT asset documentation; etc.

13 Portfolio Mgmt >EA Input  ALM reporting for Current State Definition  Stakeholder view of application performance and improvements for Future State Definition

14 The Way Forward >Make a start – at this stage it’s just theory >Implementation  Rework and implement what we already have first  Take an iterative approach – with frequent deliverables  “Project” approach to each iteration – using seconded resources >Marketing  Selling the concept of EA to IT staff – and managing resistance  Selling the benefits of EA to Senior Executive and Business Units >Education  What is EA? - What is EA at Deakin? – Why EA?  Focus training/education to suit specific stakeholder groups >Commitment and Support  Appears to be strong executive support – we will test this  Acceptance that it won’t happen overnight, but it will happen…

15 Challenges, Opportunities… >Challenges  Establishing a common understanding of EA @ Deakin  Stakeholder support for EA @ Deakin - and what it delivers  Embedding EA into the whole University – not just ITSD  Ensuring EA benefits justify the existence of the EA team >Opportunities (outside of those ‘direct’ EA benefits)  ITSD gains credibility as a disciplined and valued part of the University

16 Thank you Arnie Phillips - IT Architect: Ron Leen - APG Manager:

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