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WELCOME Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) (Primary R-7) Dr. Trudy Sweeney.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) (Primary R-7) Dr. Trudy Sweeney."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) (Primary R-7) Dr. Trudy Sweeney

2 “Who dares to teach must never cease to learn”. ~John Cotton Dana The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. ~Mark Van Doren "A hundred years from now, it will not matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, how much money I had in the bank...but the world may be a better place because I made a difference in the life of a child.” ~ Forest Witcraft

3 Master of Teaching Staff Dr. Trudy Sweeney: Program Coordinator of the Master of Teaching Programs Elena Sanchez- Initial Teacher Education Programs, Administrator Melinda Nathan- Initial Teacher Education Programs, Administrative Officer Barbara Rees – Administrative Assistant Professional Experience Coordinators Dr. Susan Krieg (Early Childhood) Dr. Barbara Nielsen (Primary R-7) Professional Teaching Practice Administrators: Elizabeth McKenna (Primary) Adam Stewart (Country; Early Childhood)

4 Strand Coordinators Lutheran Strand Contact: Ruth Zimmermann Primary Languages Contact:Mirella Wyra

5 Where does your course fit into the suite of Bachelor of Education Programs? BEd/BABEd/BScBEd/BHS Master of Teaching Early Childhood Primary Middle School /Secondary Secondary Special Education (Pri. & Sec.)

6 Early Childhood Study Plan Year 1 topics EDUC2321 The Expressive Arts in Early Childhood EDUC4724 Science and Design Technology in the Early Years EDUC9120 Teachers’ Work in a Changing World EDUC9123 Connections between Social Development and Early Years Pedagogy EDUC2421 Literacy and Numeracy: Birth-4 EDUC9222 Play, Teaching, Learning and Development EDUC3662 Thinking and Working Mathematically EDUC9231 Professional Experience 1: Early Childhood (25 days) = Both topics must be done in the same year due to prof. exp. Lecture.

7 Early Childhood Study Plan Year 2 topics EDUC4722 Social and Environmental Education in Early Childhood EDUC9301 Investigating Early Years Curriculum and Pedagogy EDUC3521 Languages, Literature and Literacies 4-8 EDUC4740 Professional Experience 2: Early Childhood (35 days) EDUC9402 Engaging Learners in Early Childhood EDUC9401 The Reflective Professional in Action EDUC9400 Critical Indigenous Pedagogies EDUC3623 Health and Physical Education in Early Childhood

8 Primary R-7 Study Template Year 1 topics EDUC3523 Expressive Arts Curriculum Studies: Visual Art, Drama, Media, Music & Dance EDUC3524 Health and Physical Education Curriculum Studies* OR, for language specialists: EDUC3527 Investigating Languages Pedagogy in the Integrated Curriculum (Primary R-7) EDUC9125 English Curriculum Studies 1: Literacy in Changing Educational Contexts EDUC9121 Learning, Development and Teaching (Primary) EDUC3624 Science and Design & Technology Curriculum Studies EDUC9221 Mathematics Curriculum Studies in Context EDUC9220 Relationships for Learning EDUC9232 Professional Experience 1: Primary (25 days) = Both topics must be done in the same year due to prof. exp. lecture = Prerequiste link

9 Primary R-7 Study Plan Year 2 topics EDUC4721 Differentiation for Diverse Learners EDUC4725 English Curriculum Studies 2 EDUC4726 Social Sciences Curriculum Studies: History and Geography EDUC4741 Professional Experience 2: Primary (40 days) EDUCXXXX Elective from approved list OR, for language specialists: EDUC4831 Exploring Literacies and Intercultural Contexts in Languages Pedagogy (Primary R-7) EDUC9400 Critical Indigenous Pedagogies EDUC9410 The Reflective Professional in Action EDUC9404 Numeracy and ICT

10 Electives (Primary R-7) Students in the Primary R-7 course will undertake electives in the second year of the Masters Program Lists of possible topics will be available on the website in Semester One of 2013.

11 Part-time and Leave from Study The course can be completed as a part-time student. This takes much longer and is problematic due to the professional experience. All curriculum studies topics must be completed prior to professional experience. Part-time students are advised to seek academic counselling. Students must complete a minimum of one topic in semester 1 before applying for leave for up to a year.

12 Part-Time Study Plan – Primary R-7 2012 Year 1 topics EDUC3523 Expressive Arts Curriculum Studies: Visual Art, Drama, Media, Music & Dance EDUC3524 Health and Physical Education Curriculum Studies* OR, for language specialists: EDUC3527 Investigating Languages Pedagogy in the Integrated Curriculum (Primary R-7) EDUC9121 Learning, Development and Teaching (Primary) EDUC9221 Mathematics Curriculum Studies in Context EDUC9220 Relationships for Learning

13 Part-Time Study Plan – Early Child. 2012 Can select from: EDUC2321 The Expressive Arts in Early Childhood EDUC4724 Science and Design Technology in the Early Years EDUC9120 Teachers’ Work in a Changing World EDUC2421 Literacy and Numeracy: Birth-4 EDUC9222 Play, Teaching, Learning and Development EDUC3662 Thinking and Working Mathematically

14 Critical Dates First Semester Topics Friday March 9 th Last day to pay Semester 1 up-front student contributions and tuition fees Last day to enrol in topics unless otherwise specified Saturday March 31 st Census date (last day to withdraw without incurring fees) Friday May 11 th Last day to withdraw without failure (WN) Friday June 15 th Last day to withdraw (WF)

15 Critical Dates Non-Semester One - Early Childhood EDUC9123 Friday March 9 th Last day to enrol Saturday March 31 st Census date (last day to withdraw without fees) Friday May 11 th Last day to withdraw without failure (WN) EDUC4724 Friday March 19 th Last day to enrol Saturday March 19 th Census date (last day to withdraw without fees) Friday March 21 st Last day to withdraw without failure (WN)

16 Key Source of information The School of Education Website t-information/ Includes: Course related information incl. the 2012 Course Handbook General information e.g. about enrolment and fees Important dates and times Student Services e.g. personal & academic Student Computing Services e.g. FLO support

17 Key Source of information The Professional Experience Website sional-experience/ Action Needed Now before entering schools in Term 2! 1.National Criminal History Record check Process managed by the Department of Families and Communities. Instructions provided. 2.Responding to Abuse and Neglect 1-day training Book into a workshop now. 3.Professional Experience Application Form Application forms provide in first lecture, Semester 1.

18 So when do we actually get into preschools & schools? 1st year (25 days) 1st Semester: 5 single days (try to keep 1 day a week free ). 2nd Semester 4 weeks full time Professional Experience 2nd year (35 or 40 days) 1st Semester 5 days (EC) and 10 days (R-7) + 6 weeks full time Professional Experience

19 Check the date of your professional experience before you book your overseas holiday or wedding!!!

20 Teacher Registration Completion of the Master of Teaching leads to eligibility for registration as a teacher Teachers Registration Board - International students must note that there is an English Proficiency test required before registration can be approved. See

21 Check your Email! It is the primary means of communication within the School of Education and with schools in the community. You can forward your Flinders email to another email account if you prefer, using the email utilities page. Be aware that emails which are not sent from your Flinders domain may be treated as ‘spam’ by the University’s filters. Complete the ‘subject’ line to indicate the purpose of the email. Use a salutation (e.g. Dear Principal; Dear Coordinator). Use conventional spelling, grammar, punctuation and appropriate tone. Include your full name, student ID; the course in which you are enrolled eg. MTeach (EC) and your year of study (eg. 2nd year). This can be done automatically by setting up a standard signature. It may also be appropriate to include the relevant topic code, the time of your class, the tutor’s name, etc.

22 Student Study Workload Assumes a full-time load of 36 hours per week to include: - on-campus attendance EC = 13 hrs/ week semester 1 8 hrs/week + Professional Experience in semester 2 R-7= 13hrs/ week semester 1 9 hrs/ week semester 2 + Maths intensive and Professional Experience. - completion of assigned readings & assignments Check the Statement of Assessment methods for each topic if there are attendance requirements. Assumes availability 5 days per week, 8am - 7pm - Time-tables alter from semester to semester and year to year Assumes full-time attendance in schools/ preschools for a 4-week block in 1 st year and 6-week block in final year A few topics are held as intensives in semester breaks and some final year topics start earlier than the rest of the university. These are called Non-Semester (NS) topics

23 Enrolling Follow the 5 Steps to Flinders Don’t forget to 1. Enrol in topics 2. Register in workshops If required - submit a help request - FAQ

24 Other Support Enrolment Week Drop-in session for academic counselling and to check your enrolment today 11-1pm, rooms 2.09 – 2.10 Orientation Week Drop-in for academic counselling session February 23 rd 2-4pm room 3.25. Orientation Week Website students/orientation/information-and-welcome-sessions.cfm students/orientation/information-and-welcome-sessions.cfm Parking on campus Link to Orientation (Start Smart) sessions is under T for Teaching at

25 Summary Ensure that you enroll in the correct topics for your study plan. Seek academic counselling - especially part-time students Plan to attend your professional experience full-time Visit the professional experience website now and: Action your Criminal History Check Book into a 1-day Responding to Abuse & Neglect workshop Enrol in either EDUC9125 (R-7) or EDUC9123 (EC) in semester 1 when intending to do professional experience in semester 2 Contact your tutor and/or topic coordinator if you have questions or difficulties related to your academic work. Conduct yourself as a professional Read the parking on campus information if you intend to drive.


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