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Back to School Night September 4, 2013

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1 Back to School Night September 4, 2013
The s of Kindergarten Back to School Night September 4, 2013

2 Attendance If your child is going to be absent or arrive late to school, you are required to call the school by 8:00 A.M Do not worry about making up work when your child is out sick … we will make it up over time Must be fever free and vomit free for 24 hours before returning to school

3 Every student is expected to follow
Bucket Filler Every student is expected to follow the 5 Bees BEE Respectful BEE a Worker BEE Responsible BEE a Bucket Filler BEE Safe

4 Calendar All children will have a calendar in their notebooks to keep you informed of their behavior in school. Always aiming for green but everyone slips up now and again. The calendar is used to determine patterns of behavior

5 Dismissal Your child will only be allowed to change dismissal plans with a note from you in the communication notebook.   If an emergency arises through the day, please phone the office.  If your child thinks that they are going home a different way than usual and we do not have a note, your child will follow their normal dismissal procedure.  If we are not sure that there will be someone to get your child off the bus they will be sent to CARES.

6 Enrichment •Students will have one special each day
•Each special is between minutes in length •Specials include instruction in: music, gym, art, computers and library Gym day is Thursday !!

7 Folder Please go through your child’s folder daily
Papers on the left are to be left at home and papers on the right come right back to school

8 Grades •Students will bring home assessments throughout the year to be signed and returned •Please take the time to look them over and review any skills or areas of weakness with your child •Most of our assessments will be given orally

9 Homework Homework sheets will be sent home each Monday and should remain in your child’s folder until Friday  Please allow them to express their own ideas and go at their own pace.  If your child struggles to complete their homework in 15 minutes then please let me know. 

10 Independence Please help encourage your child to be responsible for his/her own journey. The more independent your child feels, the more ownership they will have of their successes throughout the year.

11 Just Read •Studies have shown that those children whose parents are actively involved in the reading process will become the best readers. •Keep all of the books that are sent home from school and read them often with your child

12 Kindergarten Curriculum
Religion Social Studies Language Arts Science Math Enrichment

13 Learning Environment •We feel that the best way to help children learn is to make learning fun. •Our classroom will be an active environment where all students are expected to engage in the learning process.

14 Morning Meeting Greeting Sharing Group Activity News and Announcements

15 Notebook Black marble notebook for any communications between home and school Please feel free to voice any concerns or ask any questions in this notebook.  Any changes to dismissal for your child should also be written in this notebook. Please date and sign any entry.

16 Odds & Ends LABEL , LABEL, LABEL Allergies / Lunch / Snacks
Gym uniform N.U.T Passes Student Handbook ( 4 signed papers)

17 Projects There will be several “family” projects for you and your child to complete throughout the school year. These projects can be as elaborate or as simple as you choose them to be.

18 Questions Please feel free to contact me anytime you have questions. You can do this in a variety of ways: •Write a note •Send an •Call me at school •Make an appointment for a conference

19 Report Cards Report cards will be distributed once each trimester.
Students should not expect to master a skill until the third trimester.

20 Star Student Monday – return the completed pennant
Wednesday – Show and Tell Thursday – Star Reader 2:15 – 2:45

21 Treats School policy states that no treats may be sent to the classroom for birthdays Please refrain from bringing treats when you are the star reader

22 Uniform •Girls – Jumper, peter pan collar shirt, modesty shorts, cardigan sweater, knee socks •Boys – Golf shirt and pants (Fall/Spring) Oxford shirt with tie or turtleneck, vest and pants (Winter)

23 Volunteers We will need helpers for special celebrations about every other month We will need 2-3 homeroom parents We will need weekly or bi-weekly recess and lunch parents Chaperones for Field Trips Need to have all clearances on file or in process to be a volunteer

24 Website • All information provided tonight and updates/
sign ups throughout the year will be on our classroom website apt6.aspx All School newsletters and forms will be available from the school website

25 EXtra Supplies My Wish List is posted on our classroom website and will be updated throughout the year. Any and all donations are truly appreciated!

26 You •You are your child’s first and most important teacher.
•We hope that we can work together this year to make your child’s Kindergarten school year a huge success!

27 Zzzzz… Please make sure your child gets plenty of sleep each night, so that he/she is well rested and ready for the challenges of Kindergarten. It is recommended that 5 and 6 year olds get 10 to 11 hours of sleep a night.

28 •Once again, thank you for coming this evening and for showing an interest in your child’s education. •If you should have any questions or would like to speak with me further about your child, please contact me by at or call the school to schedule a time for us to meet.

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