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Year 9 RE research question 1. Missal or Lectionary What kind of information can you find in one of these?

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Presentation on theme: "Year 9 RE research question 1. Missal or Lectionary What kind of information can you find in one of these?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 9 RE research question 1

2 Missal or Lectionary What kind of information can you find in one of these?


4 You find dates and headings for special liturgies eg weddings

5 Is there anything else? YES There are prayers, responses and special bible readings for those liturgies

6 Would it be helpful if preparing a liturgy YES It tells you the Bible readings for every Sunday mass including those on special dates such as Christmas and Easter or saints days

7 Catechism What would I find in a catechism?

8 It is a simple explanation of the teachings of the Catholic church

9 Would I find it helpful is I was preparing for a liturgy or preparing a liturgical banner? YES It tells me what the meaning the church gives to its liturgies. It describes symbols and beliefs. It even tells me what is not allowed in a special liturgy

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