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LEARNING SERVICES The Power of Two Sue McKnight Executive Director, Learning Services & University Librarian 13 September 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "LEARNING SERVICES The Power of Two Sue McKnight Executive Director, Learning Services & University Librarian 13 September 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEARNING SERVICES The Power of Two Sue McKnight Executive Director, Learning Services & University Librarian 13 September 2001

2 Deakin University Learning Services OVERVIEW l What is Learning Services l What we are doing differently, as a result of organisational change, to enhance learning and teaching l Opportunities and Challenges l What Next?

3 Deakin University Learning Services Learning Services l From 2000, the Flexible Learning Office, Centre for Academic Development, Learning Resource Services l Library included from November 2000 l One of the biggest (staff and $$) budget centres of the University

4 Deakin University Learning Services Organisation l Office of the Executive Director and University Librarian l Library l Learning Environments l Learning Resources l Office of the Executive

5 Deakin University Learning Services Responsibilities 1 l Office of the Executive Director and University Librarian –Strategic Planning, Policy Development, Budgeting, University-wide liaison –Business Office l Administration, Staffing, Finance

6 Deakin University Learning Services Responsibilities 2 l Library –Learning, Teaching and Research Support –Access and Information Resources

7 Deakin University Learning Services Responsibilities 3 l Learning, Teaching and Research Support –Resource delivery (loans, inter-campus loans, inter-library lending, off-campus, shelving); information services (in-person, email, www, FirstClass & TopClass); liaison; information skills; selection & de-selection, transfers, IR evaluation; publicity; special collections; campus management (facilities, security)

8 Deakin University Learning Services Responsibilities 4 l Access and Information Resources –Cataloguing & indexing, classification, metadata, digitising, interfaces, data sources; Innopac & www management & support; desktop support; emerging technologies; local databases; NT administration; e-reserve; copyright; IR ordering, receipt, claims, budgeting, negotiations, consortia; ILL borrowing

9 Deakin University Learning Services Responsibilities 5 l Learning Environments –Educational Design –Academic Professional Development –Research & Evaluation –Multi-media Developments l Software development, graphic design, audio and video production, photography –LMS and Conferencing Support

10 Deakin University Learning Services Responsibilities 6 l Learning Resources –Production Planning and Scheduling –Faculty Client Coordination –Materials Developers and Publishing Support –Printeries

11 Deakin University Learning Services What’s Different? l Strategic Planning l Project Management l Faculty Liaison l Course and Unit Design l Intellectual Property and Copyright Management l Systems Support

12 Deakin University Learning Services Opportunities and Challenges l Creating Shared Culture and Values l Past Experience / Baggage l Understanding Change – why change, how to manage change l Client Expectations l How to be wonderful with no extra $$$$

13 Deakin University Learning Services Drivers l “We help people teach and learn” l Focus on the Student Perspective l Help the academic be a great teacher/navigator

14 Deakin University Learning Services What Next? l More cultural and values alignment l Further organisational change / realignment likely l E.g Copyright, Digitising, Liaison l Emphasis on e-learning and the online campus l Greater coordination with Administrative Divisions and Faculties l Greater cooperation with DeakinPrime, the University’s commercial arm

15 Deakin University Learning Services

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