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Presentation on theme: "IPM THEORY CHALLENGE QUIZ NUMBER 3 Unit 3 Outcome 2."— Presentation transcript:


2 Q1 – An image not being displayed when a page loads is a problem associated with which of the following attributes A.Accessibility B.Speed of download C.Functionality D.Presentation

3 Q2 – Working with the application software usually occurs during which stage of the Problem Solving Methodology A.Manipulation B.Development C.Design D.Input

4 Q3 – Ensuring that there are no mistakes in the data when it is entered and that the data is accurate is part of … A.Validating B.Testing C.Designing D.Evaluating

5 Q4 – Ensuring that all your links work on your website is part of which stage of the problem solving methodology … A.Evaluating the solution B.Validating the solution C.Communicating the solution D.Testing the solution

6 Q5 – Resizing and cropping your images ready to be inserted into your web page is part of the.. A.Development stage B.Analysis stage C.Design stage D.Testing stage

7 Q6 – Which of the following is not a file naming convention A.A full stop is used to separate the filename from the extension B.There should be no spaces in web page filenames C.Generally one should use lower case because Unix and Macs are case sensitive D.If the file name is more than one word use a hyphen (-) to separate the words

8 Q7 – Which of the following does not occur in the Development stage of the problem solving methodology A.Input B.Storage and retrieval C.Uploading the website D.Manipulating the data

9 Q8 - Which of the following is not a primary source of data A.Survey questionnaire answers B.Addresses of customers C.photographs D.A web page

10 Q9 –What type of data validation would be used if Bill types in his password with the caps lock on. A.Range check B.Consistency check C.Format consistency check D.Data type check

11 Q10 - Which of the following statements is incorrect? A.An animated image should always be saved as a jpg B.When you insert an image into your webpage you are inserting a link to it not imbedding it on the page C.All manipulation of images should occur before they are inserted onto the webpage D.Images should be less than 30kb to download quickly

12 Q11 – Which attribute of your website is being tested when you check to see whether you need to scroll more than two screen lengths to read information A.Presentation B.Useability C.Functionality D.Accessibility

13 Q12 – Which attribute of your website is being tested when you check that colours and fonts conform to preferred conventions A.Presentation B.Useability C.Functionality D.Accessibility

14 Q13 – Which attribute of your website is being tested when you check your navigation links A.Communication B.Accessibility C.Functionality D.Useability

15 Q14 – Uploading your website to a web server occurs during which stage of the Problem Solving Methodology.. A.Communication stage B.Implementation stage C.Storage stage D.Development stage

16 Q15 – Checking to see whether the solution meets expectations and assists in meeting the organisations goals and objectives occurs during A.Analysis B.Evaluation C.Design D.Development

17 Q16 – The top level domain (TDL) indicates… A.Default.html as the main page B.Index.html as the home page C..type of ( D.The official registered company name

18 Q17 – Which of the following is not a design tool A.Layout diagram B.Flow chart C.Story board D.Manual

19 Q18 – Testing a web page would not include.. A.Timing how long it takes to download using a telephone modem B.Timing how long it takes to print it C.Checking the navigation links D.Checking how it looks on different screen sizes

20 Q19 – It can be difficult to test the presentation of a solution because.. A.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder B.It all depends on the intended audience and their perceived preferences C.Both A & B D.Neither A or B

21 Q20 – Which of the following is not part of evaluating the solution... A.Finding out whether the original problem is solved B.Finding out if the web page loads properly C.Assessing whether all the stake holders are happy with the solution D.Looking at how the solution could be improved

22 ANSWERS 1.C 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.B

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