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19 May 2011. Economic Assumptions Economic Growth Gross State Product, Western Australia.

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Presentation on theme: "19 May 2011. Economic Assumptions Economic Growth Gross State Product, Western Australia."— Presentation transcript:

1 19 May 2011

2 Economic Assumptions

3 Economic Growth Gross State Product, Western Australia

4 Financial Outlook Forecasts (a) Commonwealth Budget papers (b) Total non-financial public sector (c) As defined by Standard & Poor’s

5 2011-12 Revenue

6 Financial Outlook National Pool and GST Grants

7 Financial Outlook GST Grants 4,642 5,037 5,381 5,717 6,040 3,165 3,233 2,497 1,997 3,617 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 2010-112011-122012-132013-142014-15 Equal per capita GST grants Estimated GST grants $ million LOSS = $12.3 Billion

8 Royalties Redistribution

9 Financial Outlook Total Duty on Transfers, Western Australia

10 Financial Responsibility Operating Position and Cash Position

11 Financial Responsibility Net Debt (a) and Net Financial Liabilities (b) (a) Total public sector (b) Total non-financial public sector

12 Financial Responsibility Net Interest Cost as a Share of Revenue (a) 33% GST Scenario (a) Total non-financial public sector

13 Asset Investment Program

14 Asset Investment Program 2011-12

15 Increased Accountability Disciplined Financial Management 4.6% increase in charges for a representative household –Electricity tariffs (5%) Current subsidy costs $1.1 billion Freezing tariffs would increase the subsidy to $3 billion –Water charges (8.5%) –No change in: driver’s license fees compulsory third party insurance premiums motor vehicle recording fees Transperth 50 cent student fees or stamp duty on insurance premiums

16 Increased Accountability Disciplined Financial Management $3.5 billion package of new measures –Phased alignment of the iron ore ‘fines’ royalty rate (currently 5.625%) to the 7.5% iron ore ‘lump’ rate ($1.9 billion) –5% efficiency dividend on GTEs ($515 million) –Targeted review of low priority programs ($300 million) –Deferred infrastructure spending ($541 million) These measures build on previous efficiency dividend savings ($1.46 billion over four years out of a target of $1.6 billion) Additional savings from procurement and State Fleet ($280 million over four years)

17 Increased Accountability Disciplined Financial Management Expenses up $1.8 billion (or 7.9%) in 2011-12 Expense growth moderating – down from average of 10.9% over previous three years Government has restricted growth in number of full-time equivalent public servants to 1.7% in 2011-12 Funding a further 400 voluntary separations – bringing total number of separations to over 1,200, for savings of $57 million per year

18 19 May 2011

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