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Gen Y Volunteers Providing innovative programs enhancing acute Mental Health Services Presented by: Robyn Feenstra Manager of Volunteer Services Mental.

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Presentation on theme: "Gen Y Volunteers Providing innovative programs enhancing acute Mental Health Services Presented by: Robyn Feenstra Manager of Volunteer Services Mental."— Presentation transcript:


2 Gen Y Volunteers Providing innovative programs enhancing acute Mental Health Services Presented by: Robyn Feenstra Manager of Volunteer Services Mental Health Volunteer Service Hunter New England Mental Health Service

3 What we’ll cover today About HNE Mental Health Brief overview Volunteer Service About Gen Y volunteers Programs & Case studies Benefits that Gen Y bring Volunteer Management Questions

4 About HNE Mental Health Acute service Covers an area the size of England Almost 1200 mental health clinicians and non-clinicians 7 inpatient services Community based services

5 About HNE Volunteer Service Mission Statement: To enhance consumers recovery journey Not a traditional hospital volunteer service Direct consumer (patient) contact 90% are Gen Y Roles include: running group programs (games, sporting, social, bbq), cognitive remediation, research, resource officer, book connect

6 About Gen Y Volunteers

7 Motivational Factors An “I need” attitude To learn To feel valued For it to be of benefit to them personally, career development, personal development

8 Expectation Expect assistance To do what they want to, not necessarily what needs to be done Many already know exactly what they want to do with their volunteer role & expect that you can accommodate this need

9 Recruiting Links with university Word of mouth Facebook Volunteer centres The title of volunteer role to appear important – not child minder, but interactive play assistant, not book trolley but book connect

10 Length of service Typically 6 months to 12 months In that time they may hold more than one position Some stay for 2 to 3 years

11 Programs

12 Fitting in with current program Examine what volunteers need & place them in a program that meets those needs –Eg: communication skill, place in book connect –Group programs, place in units where they run groups

13 Developing Programs Case Study 1 Grace

14 Case Study 1 Grace Background: Grace completed a psychology degree & is now studying health promotion. Did not want to work with consumers, but wanted to do health promotion work. Issues: – 1: mental health do not have a health promotion unit. – 2: I did not want the service to miss out on her skills

15 Case Study 1 Grace Solution: –Look for an area that needs health promotion activities. –Didn’t have to look far, Grace is developing a new volunteer manual, which includes information on mental health. Benefit: – Grace gets a document she can claim as her own for future jobs & the experience in developing manual. –Service gets a manual that actually benefits volunteers.

16 Developing Programs Case Study 2, Courtyard

17 Case Study 2, Courtyard Background: Mark was a 50 year old university art professor. Naomi was a graduate fine art student & currently studying to be an OT Issue: with such great backgrounds, I wanted a project that could utilise their skills. Solution: I discussed their background & skills with other staff & we identified a need within our courtyards – we needed a mural painted.

18 Benefit: Mark & Naomi brought with them their skills in this sort of project & made us re-think our mural idea. We formed a committee involving Mark & Naomi to focus on the courtyard. Mark suggested that we consult with consumers, carers & staff AND we discovered that a mural was low down on the list of what was wanted We have now developed around the needs & wants of the unit. Case Study 2, Courtyard


20 Developing Programs Case Study 3 – Child Minder

21 Case Study 3 – Child Minder Background: request from staff for a child minder/baby sitter Issue: Child minding is not seen by HNE MH Gen Y volunteers (mainly psychology students) to be useful for their career Solution: –Incorporated observations of children into role –Provided training for volunteers of at risk children –changed the title to Interactive Play Assistant

22 Case Study 3 – Child Minder Benefit: –Inundated with volunteers for this role –Service has child minding now –Service has professional observations of other children in the family –Volunteers feel valued as they are actively contributing via their observations into consumer care –Volunteers have received additional training which they place on resumes and incorporate into paid work

23 Management Challenges & Benefit to Organisation

24 Support Volunteer meetings – not a priority for Gen Y Prefer email communication Ongoing training – volunteers & staff Direct supervision within units by unit staff Volunteer Manager provides to volunteers ongoing opportunities, support around study, someone to talk to around volunteering issues Volunteer Manager supports staff through recruiting volunteers, developing job descriptions, dealing with any issues

25 Management Challenges High turnover of volunteers which means: –Increased recruiting, training, orientation –Increased administration, data entry, filing –Increased costs –More development of job descriptions Incorporate project work As Uni rosters & part time work change, so do the volunteer rosters

26 Management Challenges Cont’d Continual need to be flexible and innovative Volunteer Managers need to have a thorough understanding of their organisation, its needs and contacts Need to promote the volunteer service to staff & let them know what volunteers can do

27 Benefit to Organisation Very hands on service, enhancing our consumers experience in hospital Highly educated volunteer service, bringing with them the latest ideas Highly skilled volunteers who can in a most professional manner assist staff It can act as a training ground for future employees

28 Thank You & Questions

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