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1. I want Je-sus to walk with me. I want I want Je-sus to walk with me. Je-sus to walk with me All a-long lifes pilgrim I want Jesus to walk with me All.

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Presentation on theme: "1. I want Je-sus to walk with me. I want I want Je-sus to walk with me. Je-sus to walk with me All a-long lifes pilgrim I want Jesus to walk with me All."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. I want Je-sus to walk with me. I want I want Je-sus to walk with me. Je-sus to walk with me All a-long lifes pilgrim I want Jesus to walk with me All a-long lifes

2 jour-ney. Oh, I want Jesus to walk with me. pil - grim jour-ney. I want Jesus to walk with me.

3 2. In my tri-als Hell walk with me. In my In my tri - als Hell walk with me. tri - als Hell walk with me All a-long lifes pilgrim In my tri-als Hell walk with me All a-long lifes

4 jour-ney. Oh, I want Jesus to walk with me. pil - grim jour-ney. I want Jesus to walk with me.

5 3. When Im lone-ly Hell walk with me. When Im When Im lone-ly Hell walk with me. lone-ly Hell walk with me All a-long lifes pilgrim When Im lonely Hell walk with me All a-long lifes

6 jour-ney. Oh, I want Jesus to walk with me. pil - grim jour-ney. I want Jesus to walk with me.

7 4. In my joy Hell walk with me. In my In my joy Hell walk with me. joy Hell walk with me All a-long lifes pilgrim In my joy Hell walk with me All a-long lifes

8 jour-ney. Oh, I want Jesus to walk with me. pil - grim jour-ney. I want Jesus to walk with me.

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