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Published byEvelyn Romero Modified over 11 years ago
Supt Joe McAllister Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Senior Police Advisor ISAF International Joint Command, Kabul Oct present Deputy Police Commander - Kabul June 2010 to June 2011 Contingent Commander - Afghanistan Kandahar Nov 2007 to March 2009 United Nations East Timor 2002 United Nations Kosovo 32 years Federal/Municipal/International Policing
War by powerpoint
Why are we here?
Afghan Police Remote locations Perspective
Structure of the ANP Anti-Crime Police AACP Public Protection Force
Counter terrorism Counter narcotics Police Intelligence Criminal Investigation Major Crimes Task Force Police Special Operation Units Forensics Public Protection Force APPF Protects key infrastructure and personnel Replaces private security companies Does not have a policing mandate Afghan Uniform (Civilian) Police AUP Focus on the core functions of policing Prevent and detect crime, assure public safety Includes Traffic Police and Fire Department Afghan Naitonal Civil Order Police (Gendarmerie) ANCOP lead police organization in COIN in close cooperation with ANA and ABP maintain and restore civil order Requires 6th grade literacy Afghan Border Police ABP Safeguard national boundaries against external aggressions. Control the entry and exit at borders and international airports. Deter and counter insurgency and criminal activities within the Border Security Zone. Afghan Local Police Recruited by village elders to protect villages from insurgency Administration/Regional Logistics Centers/Medical/Training Base 5
National Policing Systems
Comparing Afghanistan Ministry of Interior to a number of similar countries Germany Australia Netherlands Italy Canada Jordan India Turkey A few of the countries that contribute to the mission bringing with them their ideas of how things should work.
(Joint Coordinating and Monitoring Board)
International Coordination JCMB (Joint Coordinating and Monitoring Board) This body is made up of international donors Its purpose is to coordinate and monitor progress in implementing the Afghan Compact IPCB (International Police Coordination Board) This body is made up of key international donors and multi-lateral organisation contributing to police reform in Afghanistan Its purpose is to coordinate the international community’s efforts in police reform in consultation with the Afghan Ministry of Interior MOI (Ministry of Interior) US CSTC – A NATO NATO Training Mission (NTM-A) ISAF Joint Command (IJC) EUPOL (European Union Police Mission in Afghanistan) Bilateral Support Overarching mechanism for reporting to the International community on support for Afghanistan. Every piece interacts together and cannot stand alone Police and Military support are part of a broader picture of International support for Afghanistan.
The Goals of Police Development
Enhance ANP capabilities, starting with the Uniformed Police (AUP); Transform the AUP into a service loyal to the Afghan people and Afghan national interests; Build a “prosecutor-driven justice system” and the Rule of Law (ROL); Strengthen the AUP linkage to provincial, regional, and national leaders and staff; Develop MoI capabilities by mentoring their leadership of this initiative; Enable the IRoA and MoI to project success by improving the lives of Afghan citizens at the local level. FDD was the first Ntl program directed at reforming, refitting and training the entire police force
Where Is Police Mentoring Needed?
6 Regions 34 Provinces 365 Districts The initial assessment by NATO was to develop key military areas for the first several rounds Little thought was given to what police priorities were Focus was along `the ring road` and areas of population Roughly 80 key districts and 40 districts of interest were designated for FDD Local policing functions under a national (MoI) command structure. Security considerations require some combat capability.
police-justice training installations and projects map
Long term training installations out of NTM-A’s scope Major training installations in Kabul (ANPA, CTC, Staff College) Regional Training Centers Badakhshan Jowzjan Balkh Regional satellite sites Kunduz Takhar Samangan Stage Faryab Baghlan Sar-e-Pol Nuristan Badghis Parwan Kunar Forensic labs Herat Bamyan Kabul Laghman Wardak Nangarhar Daykondi Ghor Supreme Court Justice Centers Paktia Khowst Ghazni Uruzgan Provincial Justice Centers Farah Zabul Paktika EUPOL CPJP Nimroz UNODC CN Program Helmand Kandahar
IPCB Mandate Dubai Conference 2006
Main coordination body for institutional and police reform within wider rule of law context Direct, prioritize and coordinate the international police reform effort Direct Coordinate Prioritize
12 Nations + 8 Organizations
IPCB Structure Working Level Board Level Caucus Secretariat
1st Secs & Deps Police Development Board Level Ambs & HoMs Secretariat Board level is chaired by the Minister of Interior, it is held quarterly Caucus is chaired by the HoM EUPOL and is organized prior to Board (for internationals) Working Level meets weekly and the members are represented usually by first secrataries from the embassies Various working groups can be created to work on specific tasks The Secretariat facilitates and coordinates all IPCB forums Rule of Law Outreach & Reporting
Decision Making Process
Standing Security Committee IPCB Joint Coordination & Monitoring Board (JCMB) Minister of Interior chairs 19 IC members + MoI Minister of Defence & UNAMA co-chair Approx. 30 IC members Minister of Finance & UNAMA co-chair Governance Standing Committee Socio-Economic Standing Committee
IPCB Secretariat To guide, facilitate and coordinate the activities of the IPCB and its associated bodies Permanent body of civilian & police personnel Provides recommendations to, and receives direction from, IPCB Facilitates meetings and working groups Manages Police Reform Database Provides specialist input to key MoI/ANP documents & initiatives
Police Reform Database
Operational since Jan 2011 Administrated by IPCB Sec Web-based tool to share unclassified information Prevents duplication of efforts and avoids gaps Preserves institutional memory Provides overview of international contributions to police trainings, projects, and overall police reform
Police Reform Database
NATO Command and Control
IJC Strategy nested in COMIJC priorities
Strategic Level approach to Policing Strategy with a focus on Professionalism Strategic Priorities Identified by stakeholders Collated by IJC Ongoing WG activity reported to MoI in Oct 2012 IPCB Working Groups A synchronized Plan is developed by all contributors November 2012 to February 2013 ready for launch in Afghan New year Each contributing agency develops their own action plan which feeds the IPCB process NTMA IJC Ministry of Interior IC supported Policing Strategy MoI Lead IPCB Coordinated IJC Policing Strategy ISAF EUPOL AUP Developmental Plan GPPT Commences with a fulsome consultation of IC and other organizations to identify a list of strategic priorities for the ANP These will be collated and consolidated and compared to the Strategic Priorities of the MOI as contained in the national Police Strategy and National Police Plan. Final acceptance and approval of the list will be made with MoI Additional input from the IPCB working groups and the Police SHURA in October will further refine these priorities and provide basis for future development. Links into IPCB WG with MOI Develops a Civilian Policing concept dealing with previous International Community concerns Incorporate the work being delivered through the MOI IPPD UN Strategic Priorities approved by MoI Bilaterals IJC Shura RC, IC, NTMA, ANP GPPT IJC and IPCB synchronize the multi-agency ANP Developmental Plan and submits through IPCB Board to MoI for final approval NROLFSM/345 Outcomes from RC Shura feeds process
IJC Planning – Current Position
Unified Implementation Plan – Overarching plan which underpins other plans to the end of How changing role/relationship of ANSF/Coalition will develop. Annual Plan – Cross Ministerial Plan for ANSF – 1392 now in place. Framework for 1393 plan will commence July/August. Seasonal Orders – Autumn/Winter Plans will be written in coming months and could include elements of 2 year plan. 3 – 5 Year Campaign Plan – At present in conceptual stage, but could provide link to MOI 2 year plan.
Security Force Assistance
Security Force Assistance (SFA)
October ISAF Revised Campaign Plan. Movement from ISAF COIN to Afghan Advise and Assist Mission. Transition of lead security to the Afghans. The Goal of SFA is Afghan Self Sufficiency.
Security Force Assistance Advisory Teams (SFA ATs)
Deployed to theatre by contributing nations SFA AT symposium identified four distinct methods of delivery; US Army US Marines NATO UK Work with Afghans to transition them into lead Military Adviser Teams (MATs) Police Adviser Teams (PATs) – AUP/ANCOP/ABP OCC Adviser Teams (OCCATs)
Security Force Assistance Adviser Teams (SFA AT’s) – AUP Adviser Teams
Initial requirement for 466 SFA ATs January in theatre – 164 were PAT’s Thinning up now commencing – (CUAT and RDL) Feb – Jun 2013 – Reduces to 54 AUP Adviser teams Jul – Dec 2013 – Reduces to 36 AUP Adviser teams Jan – Jun 2014 – Reduces to 19 AUP Adviser teams Pre deployment training up to 6 months prior (Does not include ABP or ANCOP AT’s)
Mentoring Afghans Learn the language Build the relationship slowly
Understand where they come from Don’t make it all about work Two ears one mouth Share your ideas but ask for theirs first Who else is mentoring and what are their priorities Find the history of why Beware the bobble head and Afghan promises Afghan time Your mission is not theirs Learning mechanisms Capacity development vrs capacity replacement.
Fishing in Afghanistan
Give a man a fish, feed him for a day Teach a man to fish, feed him for life
Western vs Afghan ideas of Institutions
National versus Local State versus family and tribe Family, tribe, society, nation Afghans view the world much differently than westerners Kabul views are different than those in various provinces HQ views much different than PHQ and districts Priorities are based on more basic needs
Mentoring at MOI HQ Often mentors out number the Afghans
More common is each Afghan may have up to 4 mentors Not all mentors have the skills needed to mentor at the level they are at.
Afghanistan National Police – End State
A respected and professional Police Force, whose members are proud and dedicated to service to the Afghan nation and its people, and whose leaders have the courage to champion change. MEDICAL We will proceed into the future with a Ministry comprised of highly trained civil servants and police professionals who are honorable, dedicated to duty and always displaying the highest degree of integrity; a Ministry that is proud to serve the people of Afghanistan and dedicated to promoting a strong, central, democratic government. The ministry shall strive to collaborate, integrate with other Ministries and agencies that share these strategic objectives. We will devote all our energy to upholding the Rule of Law with an unquestionable degree of honesty and trust, providing fair, just and equal treatment for all our citizens within the Constitution and legal system of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. RESPECT and RECOGNITION CHALLENGING CAREER FINANCIAL SECURITY EDUCATION
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