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Effective Advocacy : Making Your Voices Heard September 2011 WBC National Conference Washington, DC Ann Marie Almeida President and CEO AWBC.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Advocacy : Making Your Voices Heard September 2011 WBC National Conference Washington, DC Ann Marie Almeida President and CEO AWBC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Advocacy : Making Your Voices Heard September 2011 WBC National Conference Washington, DC Ann Marie Almeida President and CEO AWBC

2 Advocacy & Leadership Working Guidelines for Effective Advocacy Four Agreements- Excerpt from Don Miguel Ruiz's Code for Life Be impeccable with your word - Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. Dont take anything personally - Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you wont be the victim of needless suffering Dont make assumptions - Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life. Always do your best - Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret. This work copy written ©

3 Intersections of Leadership, Advocacy Entrepreneurship Leadership AdvocacyEntrepreneurship A Life and Work of Congruency, Balance and Integrity This work copy written ©

4 Discover: Your Voice Advocacy: Integrates an Increasing Complex and Interconnected World This work copy written ©

5 Leadership & Effective Advocacy Success is influenced by: Your Vision for the Future Your Organizations Mission or Goal Your Plan: Use a SMART approach to clarify their advocacy practice S Specific M Measurable AAchievable RRealistic TTime bound This work copy written ©

6 Six Steps to Making it Happen : What? How? Who? When? Where? With What? What is the vision that drives you, what is problem you wish to solve? How can you make change happen? What is your strategy? What do you need to carry out? Who needs to be involved in this change? Be specific about the individuals, groups or organizations who will play a part. When will you carry out these activities? short term, medium, longer term timelines. Where will these activities take place? With what? What resources do you need? Money? Training, Education? Support? New relationships? New policies or laws? New ways of working? This work copy written ©

7 Effective Advocacy : Developing Networks, Support Systems and Relationships Success dependent on: Visibility: shared experiences and associations among people and organizations. Trust: listening, understanding and following through on promises. Relationships: developed in your work and life that can support your goals. Giving generously – help others get what they need. Learning, connecting, sharing. Being visible in Vertical (colleagues) and Horizontal (clients/organizations) networking circles. This work copy written ©

8 Deliver- Advocacy: Developing Networks, Support Systems and Relationships Make a powerful first impressions: Communication is 7% verbal, 93% non-verbal. 7% Verbal Know your story/what you offer Know what you represent: personal and professional Ask questions and be genuinely interested Always say what you mean, mean what you say Copyright 2005 of Essence/M Rozenfeld

9 Deliver- Advocacy: Developing Networks and Support Systems Life and Work create a web, a matrix of interconnected relationships Make a powerful first impression: Communication is 7% verbal, 93% non-verbal. 93% Non Verbal Body Language Dress for the impression you want to create Posture yourself confidently Stance, handshake, distance Smile- with whole face and voice Make contact- its all in the eyes People like likeable people Feel and project energy and enthusiasm Copyright 2005 of Essence/M Rozenfeld

10 Effective Advocacy: The 10 Steps 1.Design the Plan 2.Research, 360˚ Understanding the Issue, Gather Data 3.Know your Arguments- Points to Make 4.Research/Identify Influencers 5.Build, Nurture Relationships 6.Connect, Make Appointments 7.Practice: be able to Articulate Your Argument 8.Ask-Be Specific 9.Listen 10.Follow –Up and Deliver This work copy written ©

11 Effective Advocacy Your Asset Map : Making It Happen Outreach: Fund and Friend Raising Leadership Community Connections Local, State, Federal Advocacy Whose voice (s)? Impact & Results Mentors & Networks This work copy written ©

12 Our Call to Action Together, we can build the strategies that sustain and support our collective good works. Learn and Embrace Who We Are Becoming Refine our Vision Create Plans and Strategies Make Decisions Make Commitments Support One Another Track Our Successes Celebrate Review, Renew, Resolve All With Gratitude. This work copy written ©

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