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Government 2.0 – how it relates to Archives 2.0 Adrian Cunningham.

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Presentation on theme: "Government 2.0 – how it relates to Archives 2.0 Adrian Cunningham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government 2.0 – how it relates to Archives 2.0 Adrian Cunningham

2 Government 2.0 Policy Agenda Commitment to pro-disclosure, transparency, citizen engagement & integrity in public administration FOI/RTI reforms – Information Commissioners + proactive release of information via ‘publication’ Encourage reuse of public sector information as an enabler of innovation and economic growth Model: UK Power of Information Taskforce

3 Government 2.0 Taskforce, 2009 Chair: Dr Nicholas Gruen, Economist and blogger

4 Taskforce Terms of Reference Make Govt information more accessible and usable – pro-disclosure culture Make Govt more consultative, participatory & transparent Build a culture of online innovation in Govt Promote collaboration across agencies Identify policies and frameworks to assist the Information Commissioner Identify/trial demonstrator initiatives

5 Main Taskforce Issues Encouraging/enabling citizen engagement [including recordkeeping challenges] Opening access and reuse of public sector information [PSI broadly defined to include public cultural collections] Focus on overcoming cultural, economic, legal and administrative barriers to adoption (ie. not technical)

6 Issues Paper: OECD Principles for PSI Open regimes of access to and reuse of PSI Availability of information asset lists Ensuring quality and integrity of information Long term preservation of information Minimise copyright & pricing barriers Use best practices

7 Issues Paper: Key Issues Fostering a culture of openness and online engagement in what is usually a risk averse culture that must comply with public service values and codes of conduct Open licensing regimes – eg. Creative Commons The Semantic Web or Web 3.0 (and metadata) Open standards and data formats Privacy, security & risk management Recordkeeping challenges Copyright Administration

8 Projects Sponsored by Taskforce Economic value of PSI for cultural institutions Enhancing the discoverability and accessibility of PSI Early leadership in the Semantic web Identifying barriers in agencies to Web 2.0 take-up Whole of Government information publication scheme Copyright and intellectual property issues Online engagement guidance & Web 2.0 toolkit Preservation of Web 2.0 content + recordkeeping issues Govt 2.0 governance and institutions

9 Three Laws of Open Govt Data 1.If it can’t be spidered or indexed, it doesn’t exist 2.If it isn’t available in open and machine readable format, it can’t engage 3.If a legal framework doesn’t allow it to be repurposed, it doesn’t empower [Source : David Eaves’ blog]

10 Key Recommendations #6: Make PSI open, accessible & reusable #7: Copyright issues #8: Information publication scheme #12: ‘Definition of a Commonwealth Record’ –Records & 3 rd party social networking sites –Use of endorsed records and IM standards

11 Why does Govt 2.0 matter to us? Web 2.0 needs content (in context) – and we have loads of hidden and under-exploited content just waiting to be liberated and used for public good purposes. For public sector information to be openly available it firstly has to be properly created, described, managed and maintained. Govt 2.0 promises to drive a rediscovery of long- undervalued skills in information management, authenticity, integrity, contextualisation and discovery – these are our core skills.

12 Sounds good, but what about Archives 2.0? Is it a brave new world, hype or the end of the world as we know it?! Web 2.0 is all about being open, engaged, interactive, democratic, collaborative and user-generated content Traditional archives are all about being closed, authoritative/authoritarian and staffed by ‘God-archivists’ – users are instinctively mistrusted (sweeping generalisation!) So we have a potential culture clash – do we embrace Archives 2.0 and reinvent ourselves to seize the opportunities, or do we cling desperately to our old professional certainties and become irrelevant?

13 Eric Ketelaar has proposed the ‘peoples archives’ Instead of being ignored, marginalised and irrelevant, Web 2.0 and Archives 2.0 should be the making of archives/records professionals Revolutionising access to, use & appreciation of archives Recognising that everyone is a recordkeeper – everyone has stories to tell and preserve Strategically aligning ourselves with the push to greater government openness, transparency and accountability (eg. UK OPSI part of TNA; USA OGIS part of NARA) Applying our skills to the challenge of Web 2.0 recordmaking and recordkeeping

14 Liberating Heritage Collections Digitisation (including funding models) Discovery metadata, including user-tagging – and making our metadata harvestable by search engines Crowdsourcing user-contributed content Archival ‘mashups’ Engaging with user communities Copyright issues (risk m’gment – eg. ‘orphan works’) Privacy issues (risk management) Losing control or building value through collaboration? Crowdsourcing appraisal processes?

15 Capturing and preserving the evidence of Government 2.0 Good information and records management is a prerequisite for effective ongoing access to PSI In a world of mashups, wikis and information repurposing there is a need to ensure accurate and authentic ‘original’ records as a guarantee against misuse Need to reassert some fundamental principles, while also reinventing many of our practices and mindsets Know your recordkeeping requirements and who is responsible; use open standards; and manage for technological obsolescence

16 Conclusions This is both a daunting and an exciting time, the challenges of Web2.0 recordkeeping are considerable and expectations of us are higher than ever – if we don’t meet these expectations we risk becoming irrelevant. If we seize the opportunities using our unique skills, we stand on the threshold of a new and more relevant professional mission. We hold the keys to unlocking the latent information wealth of the nation – are we brave enough to use those keys for better governance and a better society?

17 Final Thought Is Jenkinson’s ‘physical and moral defence of the record’ still a valid archival mission in the age of Archives 2.0?

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