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Friday, May 21, 2010 v1.0 Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University La Trobe University Masterplan Summary Bendigo Campus.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday, May 21, 2010 v1.0 Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University La Trobe University Masterplan Summary Bendigo Campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday, May 21, 2010 v1.0 Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University La Trobe University Masterplan Summary Bendigo Campus

2 Project history and status. Master Plan Framework Objectives. Master Plan projects and Concept Plan. Future possibilities. Agenda A New Master Plan for La Trobe University’s Bendigo campus Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University

3 Site analysis (complete) Initial consultation (complete) Campus Master Plan Framework development (complete) Bendigo campus Master Plan framework project on hold pending student and staff capacity review Project recommenced following release of Vice Chancellor’s Strategic Options paper (complete) Final Framework plan consultation and adoption (under way) Bendigo Campus Master Plan Framework project status Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University

4 A Framework to deliver the physical infrastructure required to respond to La Trobe’s strategic and operational needs. Time horizon to 2030; reviewed on a five year basis. Key output is a framework for an efficient and effective program of capital works. Campus concept plan framework for future development Land and space use, management and requirements Sustainability principles Access, wayfinding, transport and parking Habitat and landscaping Outline A New Master Plan for La Trobe University’s Bendigo campus Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University

5 In 2011, 3,700 EFTSL, plus staff. Domestic undergraduate enrolments to grow to over 4,500 by year 2020. 540 Student residential accommodation beds on and adjacent to campus. A consolidated site could support up to 10,000 EFTSL. Replacement value of core buildings approaching $140M. Cost to upgrade $60M + Existing suite of rooms does not match requirements. Master Campus Capacity and Context Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University

6 Bendigo Campus Master Plan Framework key objectives To create and sustain competitive advantage for LTU through the differentiation of the Campus (radical, free thinking, accessible), cost leadership (cost benefit, amenity return), and by focus on geographic and historical strengths. Make the campus a better place to learn, teach, research, work, and live. Consolidate activities to the Campus Core to improve efficiency, add to vibrancy and reduce travel times between locations. Better integrate the campus with the local community by facilitating pedestrian access routes into the campus and attractive development of peripheral lands. Reduce LTU carbon emissions with the ultimate goal of making the Campus carbon-neutral. Maximise the use of existing buildings and infrastructure. Improve the external presentation of the campus and provide a visual Gateway to the Campus from the Edwards Rd and Ellis St intersection. Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University

7 Create a ‘Learning Commons Lawn’ to foster external Informal Learning. Develop non-Core land in a sustainable way to provide amenity and a financial return to LTU. Develop new integration to the bushland to form buffer zones and a wildlife corridor along with an integral storm water retention system. Improve pedestrian links for public bus stops. Consolidation of open parking into multideck parking. Student housing upgrade. Bendigo Campus Master Plan Implementation Projects Develop external areas on campus to create a campus form and direction. These areas include ‘the Avenue’, ‘the Street’, a ‘Campus Green’ and an external ‘Learning Commons’. Create a ‘Campus Green‘ meeting area with food outlets at the base of the Visual Arts building and direct access to a new library entry. Construct a new building north of current line of buildings to create a new public frontage and give definition to ‘the Avenue’ and ‘the Street’. Reconfigure the library by enclosing the undercroft and creating a new entry on the west side. Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University Develop medium to long term (10 plus years) Capital Development and Space Master Plans. Inputs: Detailed student and staff # projections. Infrastructure condition audits. Master Plan Framework. University Strategic Plans. Outputs (developed collaboratively): Teaching and Learning Accommodation Standards. Stages Space Master Plan. Staged capital development program. Programmed funding requirements.

8 Campus Concept Plan Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University Core Campus

9 Visualisations Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University Concept of a front entrance to the Campus - ‘the Avenue’ Campus view from cnr Edwards Rd and Ellis St

10 Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University Along the northern side of the SSC and E buildings Concept of a new building (and ‘Street’) to front the campus Visualisations

11 Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University Concept of a new ‘Campus Green’ and entry to Library Toward the Library building from the south west Visualisations

12 Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University Concept of parking structure, integrated with the streetscape and campus From Sharon St across the playing field to the Library

13 New activated external spaces. Improved and centralised amenities with an expanded heart. Safe campus access. Improved wayfaring and orientation. Integrated with natural environment. A campus for pedestrians. What this means for you… Campus / Community Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University Campus / Community

14 New facilities driven by requirements for teaching methods via capital and space master plan development. Teaching spaces accessible and consolidated to improve utilisation rates. Spaces for student interaction and informal learning. Updated library. What this means for you… Teaching and Learning Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University Teaching and Learning

15 Spaces designed to suit their use. New space standards to improve consistency across campus. Better utilisation rates and efficiency of space usage. Space efficiency to reduce carbon emissions and running costs. Flexible spaces to suit function and future use. Better thermal comfort management. What this means for you… Space management Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University Space Management

16 Better Public Transport access. Activated campus spaces to improve after hours lifestyle. Improved accommodation standards. Integration and connection to natural campus features. Improved campus safety with better lighting and wayfaring standards. Increase in accommodation capacity. What this means for you… Campus Residential Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University Campus Residential

17 Encouragement of non car modes of transport. Provide pedestrian links to public bus stops. Separation vehicle traffic from pedestrian areas. Development of sustainability guidelines and design requirements. Consolidation of parking to multi-deck stations. Integration of cycleways. What this means for you… Sustainability / Transport Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University Sustainability / Transport

18 La Trobe University Masterplan Summary Bendigo campus Prepared by ARINA Consulting Presenter: Tony Inglis Executive Director Infrastructure and Operations, LTU Bendigo Campus: Masterplan Summary La Trobe University

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