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DEEWR A highly skilled, educated and productive community Brighter future through education Jennifer Gibb Branch Manager Youth Transitions Branch and National.

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Presentation on theme: "DEEWR A highly skilled, educated and productive community Brighter future through education Jennifer Gibb Branch Manager Youth Transitions Branch and National."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEEWR A highly skilled, educated and productive community Brighter future through education Jennifer Gibb Branch Manager Youth Transitions Branch and National Disability Coordination Officers Program

2 Skill Shortages Do they exist? How dire are they? What can career teachers do to ensure young people have best chance of entry to solid career?

3 Economic context ‘Encourage education in a downturn’ (Canberra Times )

4 Jobs and Training Compact Young Australians:  Every young person under 25 is given a school, apprenticeship, training or higher education place  Lift the mandatory school leaving age to 17  Accelerate the COAG target of 90% year 12 or equivalent attainment from 2020 to 2015  Making education and training the most important pre- condition for receiving Youth Allowance

5 COAG Targets Lift the Year 12 or equivalent attainment rate to 90% by 2020 (recently revised to 2015) Halve the gap for Indigenous students in reading, writing and numeracy within a decade At least halve the gap for Indigenous students in Year 12 or equivalent attainment rates by 2020 Halve the proportion of Australians aged 20-64 without qualifications at Cert III and above between 2009 and 2020 Double the number of higher qualification completions (diploma and advanced diploma) between 2009 and 2020

6 Agreements & Partnerships National Agreement on Skills and Workforce Development National Partnerships: Low socio-economic schools Literacy and numeracy Quality teaching Skill shortage and emerging skill needs

7 Education Revolution  National Curriculum  Trade Training Centres (up to $1.5 million per high school)  Digital Education Revolution ($1 million per high school)  New school buildings (Building the Education Revolution - $14.7 billion over 3 years)  Teacher quality – Teach for Australia

8 Skilling Australia for the future Skills Australia Industry Skills Councils Productivity Places Program Vocational and academic systems working together Apprenticeship support

9 Changes happening now Green Skills Expanding service industries Demand for higher level skills Reshaped economy

10 Jobs for Youth: Australia (OECD) As labour markets become more selective a lack of relevant skills brings a higher risk of unemployment Getting off to a good start facilitates integration and lays foundation for a good career….

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