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Dr Dragana Radevic, CEED Investment & Business Opportunities in the region, case of Montenegro May 14th, 2013 RCI Regional Access to Finance Event Challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Dragana Radevic, CEED Investment & Business Opportunities in the region, case of Montenegro May 14th, 2013 RCI Regional Access to Finance Event Challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 dr Dragana Radevic, CEED Investment & Business Opportunities in the region, case of Montenegro May 14th, 2013 RCI Regional Access to Finance Event Challenges and Opportunities forChallenges and Opportunities for Better Future and Growth Investment & Business Opportunities in the region, case of Montenegro May 14th, 2013 RCI Regional Access to Finance Event Challenges and Opportunities forChallenges and Opportunities for Better Future and Growth

2 Decline of Global FDI Global foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows declined by 18% in 2012, to an estimated US$1.3 trillion - a level close to the trough reached in 2009 – due mainly to macroeconomic fragility and policy uncertainty for investors. FDI flows to developing economies, for the first time ever, exceeded those to developed countries, by some US$130 billion.

3 Source: UNCTAD

4 Ernst & Youngs attractiveness survey. 2012


6 EY Attractiveness Survey on SEE Strong improvement in investors perception Leadership on costs and productivity leading to domination in labor intensive activities Weakness on quality and infrastructure generating low interest in knowledge-based activities A high level of confidence in the future driven by EU membership

7 A strong perception gap depending on investors experience in SEE

8 Areas of perceived improvement resulting from EU membership

9 Allocation of EU funds

10 Costs and labor shortage are major threats

11 From the epic past...

12 … to the modern life

13 Dynamic of change Past Present Future

14 Montenegro today is… (1) Politically stable and safe country Has national treatment of foreigners Ability to remit profit, dividends and interest Euro – no hidden inflation Flat Tax System (CT 9%, PIT 9%, VAT 17%) Easy Business Start Up (1 EUR + 4 days) Increasing economic freedom.

15 Montenegro today is… (2) EU candidate country with launched negotiations process A step away from NATO membership With no open issues with its neighbors Member of WTO With free trade agreements with EU, CEFTA, EFTA, Russia, Ukraine and Turkey

16 Vision By 2020 to become leading hub for business development in Adriatic region.

17 Priorities Continuation of the regulatory reform Improving competitiveness Strengthening the capacities for attracting FDI and building partnerships on national and local level Promotion and communication for target sectors and markets.




21 Kumbor - SOCAR


23 Investment and Business Opportunities Energy Tourism Agriculture Industry

















40 A strong perception gap depending on investors experience in SEE

41 Areas of perceived improvement resulting from EU membership

42 Allocation of EU funds

43 Thank you for your attention…! Contact:

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