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2 3 4  GDP ignores costs of environmental damage & resource depletion  ‘defensive expenditures’ such as pollution clean-up costs increase value of.

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5  GDP ignores costs of environmental damage & resource depletion  ‘defensive expenditures’ such as pollution clean-up costs increase value of GDP  Build social wellbeing & ecological health measures into ‘progress’ mix 5

6  GDP wrong metric, focus on wrong things  Measure for both today and future  Need metrics for social wellbeing + healthy ecosystems + long term economics, eg: UN Human Development Index Happy Planet Index (New Economics Foundation) Genuine Progress Indicator (US think tank) 6

7  Business focused on short term profits  Share market demands it  Short termism creates volatility & possibly dodgy investment strategies  Short termism discourages investment in technologies/practices with long term enviro benefits. 7

8  Proposed law granting Nature equal rights to humans  Proposal influenced by indigenous Andean spiritual view which places the environment at centre of all life. Humans considered equal to other entities.  The law includes: the right to continue vital cycles & processes free from human alteration; the right to pure water & clean air; the right not to be polluted; the right to not be affected by mega-infrastructure & development projects.  Little opposition is expected to passing the law. 8

9 Food & Fibre  Export 60% of total agric production  40% of the value of Aust agric production occurs within MDB  global food demand increase 2.5 x by 2050  World pop of 9 bil by 2050 (now 6.5 bil)  90% of prodn growth from increasing yields & cropping intensity  50% of our food & fibre exports are to Asia (3.8 bil) 9

10 Minerals & Energy  70% of NSW is under mineral & petroleum title & application  Mining in NSW to grow by 67% over the next decade  Global 2050: 2x energy demand; no GHG  75% of electricity is generated using coal & gas sources 10

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12  Emits ~ 40% less GHG than coal when used for power generation  Saline production water  Risk of aquifer impacts  Chemicals in fracking process  Surface infrastructure spread 12

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14  Qld: 3,000 wells + 4,000km pipeline; 30,000 more planned  Narrabri: 550 wells planned  Camden: 78 wells operating + expansion  Gloucester: 110 wells approved -330 wells  Hunter Valley: exploration phase (Broke + UH  Casino: 60 exploration wells  Wollongong: 15 wells  St Peters 14

15  Independent studies: stakeholders involved  Cumulative impact assessment  Embrace precautionary principle  Replace EPA Act: need TBL approach & legislated rights of landholders/farmers  Economic sustainability – price enviro costs & benefits 15

16  Determine capacity of the natural systems  Maintain long term sustainable resources: a)Water resources/aquatic ecosystems b)Agric land (food & fibre) c)Biodiversity – veg management  THEN - regional land use planning + ESD principles  Identify industrial “go/no go” areas based on resource value & risk 16

17  Proponent has economic, technical & political clout  Rural/regional communities disadvantaged on these counts  Hence Govt must intervene to help balance the ledger  Community engagement before devel concept locked in  Enviro/social consequences too risky to rely on proponent being a good corporate citizen 17

18  A measure of socio-political sentiment towards a project, company or industry  Co-ownership: high trust & active support  Approval: support  Acceptance: listen & consider; wait & see  Withheld/withdrawn: opposition 18

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20  Effective 21 May  60 day freeze on issuing new exploration licences for coal & CSG  New exploration licence applic: public comment first  New Extraction DAs: require agricultural impact assessment. (until Strategic Regional Land Use Plans prepared & prime ag land protected)  Aquifer Interference Regs: public comment 20

21  Post 21 July  Strategic Regional Land Use Plans: identify “best places” for various uses  Start by May 2012 on 4 regions  Coal & Gas Policy to replace Coal & Gas Strategy; to interact with the regional plans 21

22  Need enviro Depts to strongly pursue their legislative responsibilities  Make a stand where environ risks unacceptable  General public is relying on them to be the guardians & not be compromised 22

23  Have a vision for our place as a species on the planet  Have courage & determination to swim against the tide  Challenge the status quo  Facilitate change; strive to bring others with you 23

24 Warwick Giblin OzEnvironmental Pty Limited ‘Delivering true progress’ Ph 0419 271 819 24

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