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Presentation to IPAA 2010 National Conference Paul Ronalds Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 21 October 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to IPAA 2010 National Conference Paul Ronalds Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 21 October 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to IPAA 2010 National Conference Paul Ronalds Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 21 October 2010

2 Prevailing approaches to public policy-making often lead to policy failures when applied to complex issues Current approach to policy-making Modes of Failure 1.Poor understanding of the issues and possible solutions 2.Long-term failure to improve system performance (public services) 3.Detrimental unintended consequences Complex world Siloed Views problems through limited frames Linear Assumes simple cause and effect Reductionist Breaks problems down into simple, manageable parts Rational & Deterministic Assumes we can know the consequences of policy interventions

3 Broad collaboration is a necessary step in addressing ‘wicked’ problems Characteristics of Wicked problems (APSC, 2007) Difficult to clearly define Many interdependencies and are often multi-causal Attempts to address wicked problems often lead to unforeseen consequences Often unstable Usually have no clear solution Socially complex Hardly ever sit conveniently within the responsibility of any one organisation. Addressing wicked problems involve changing behaviour Sometimes characterised by chronic policy failure Because wicked problems are often imperfectly understood it is important that they are widely discussed by all relevant stakeholders in order to ensure a full understanding of their complexity… If a resolution of a wicked issue requires changes in the way people behave, these changes cannot readily be imposed on people. Behaviours are more conducive to change if issues are widely understood, discussed and owned by the people whose behaviour is being targeted for change. (APSC 2007)

4 Frameworks of Sharing Responsibility The Intergovernmental Agreement on Federal Financial Relations Reduces Commonwealth prescriptions on service delivery by the States Increased flexibility in the way the States deliver services Clearer specification of roles and responsibilities of each level of government Focus on better service delivery and improved outcomes National Compact 1.Promote the value and contribution of the Sector. 2.Protect the Sector’s right to advocacy 3.Recognise Sector diversity in consultation and development initiatives. 4.Improve information sharing. 5.Reduce red tape 6.Simplify and improve consistency of financial arrangements 7.Act to improve paid and unpaid workforce issues. 8.Improve funding and procurement processes [National Compact – Working Together] Ahead of the Game & DHS Service Delivery Reform Co-design is a key principle. Builds on traditional approaches through active involvement of the community, staff and stakeholders in the design of service delivery Puts people first to improve the equality of interactions between community and Government in service delivery Focus on improving the customer experience

5 Some trials are showing early promise of the way forward Service Delivery Reform Agenda Local Connections to Work. Centrelink’s Place Based Services Project. Co-location Remote Service Delivery 29 priority remote location The engagement of the local community in developing Local Implementation Plan The Single Government Interface Family Centered Employment Program The Project was launched in 3 locations in June 2010. Focus on innovative solutions for most disadvantaged jobseekers

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