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Presentation on theme: "THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM"— Presentation transcript:


2 The female reproductive system is designed to;
1. Produce female gametes (ova) 2. To provide a safe place for fertilization to occur 3. To provide a safe place for the zygote to grow into a baby (pregnancy)

3 This is the side view of a woman’s reproductive organs
This is the front view of a woman’s reproductive organs

4 The Ovaries produce the ova (eggs) and they produce two hormones: oestrogen, and progesterone

5 This is the front view of the ovaries There are two ovaries
This is the front view of the ovaries There are two ovaries. They are the size of a walnut.

6 The Fimbriae are finger-like projections at the end of the uterine tube. Their role is to catch the ovum when it is released from the ovary, and direct it into the uterine tube.

7 Here you can see the fimbriae on both sides of the body

8 This shows the Uterine tube or Oviduct
This shows the Uterine tube or Oviduct. It is also called the Fallopian tube. Its role is to transport the ovum from the ovary to the uterus.

9 The Uterine tube is also the place where fertilisation occurs (that is; where the sperm meets the ovum)

10 This is the Uterus. It is a muscular organ that is capable of expanding to more than ten times its normal size. It has a special lining called the Endometrium which is where the fertilized ovum embeds itself to start the pregnancy.

11 The Cervix is the name given to the mouth of the uterus
The Cervix is the name given to the mouth of the uterus. It is very muscular, which is important during pregnancy when the cervix must hold the uterus closed till the baby is ready to be born The cervix is also the site of many infections and some cancers because this is as far inside the woman’s body as the penis can reach

12 This is the front view of the cervix

13 The vagina connects the uterus to the outside of the woman’s body It is the place where the sperm is deposited It is also the birth canal…the way the baby must travel to pass out of the woman’s body

14 The vagina functions as the birth canal so it must be very elastic, to stretch big enough to fit the baby through.

15 The clitoris is a small, very sensitive patch of nerve cells in a small knob of tissue just above the urethra. Pressure on the clitoris will cause the vagina to produce mucus to help dilute the acid in the vagina. This helps the sperm to get to the ovum

16 The labia are two protective folds of skin that close the opening of the vagina and protect it from infections There are two folds of skin; the labia majora and the labia minora Minora is on the inside and Majora is on the outside

17 The bladder is where the woman stores urine till she is ready to expel it from her body. The urethra is the tube leading from the bladder to the outside of the body

18 The Rectum is the part of the large intestine where the woman stores body wastes till she is ready to expel them from her body. The anus is the muscle controlling the exit from the rectum

19 The perineum is the area of skin around the vagina and between the vagina and the anus. It is required to stretch a lot as the baby is born yet still return to normal size within minutes after the birth


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