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Mobility an economic necessity, a cultural opportunity Peter Cras, general director KCH European Conference of the regions for the promoting of mobility.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobility an economic necessity, a cultural opportunity Peter Cras, general director KCH European Conference of the regions for the promoting of mobility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobility an economic necessity, a cultural opportunity Peter Cras, general director KCH European Conference of the regions for the promoting of mobility in Vocationel Education and Training, Barcelona, May 2009 Expertise Centre VET creating conditions for lifelong learning

2 KCH Knowledge Centre KCH Testing & Assessments KCH International KCH Human Capital Management Development and maintenance of National Vocational Qualifications Trade sector and Fashion and Textile production sector Accreditation and support of companies that participate in formal vocational education Research Labourmarket in relation to VET exams tests assesments evaluations audits promote and support international mobility within formal educational programs initiate and participate in international projects in order to innovate and improve vocational education advise and support companies in setting up HCM competence analisys and development provide companies and organisation wih practicle HCM advise and tools Expertise Centre VET

3 Different activities, KCH Knowledge Centre KCH Testing & Assessments KCH International KCH Human Capital Management same perspective

4 In companies/organisations where professional development is adopted in the mindset of management and implemented in the day to day operations, both company and employees benefits from it. Different activities, same perspective

5 information: any place, any time, anywhere the world has become the playing field flexibility and mobility will change from “nice” to “must” for many people Mobility: an economic necessity

6 Mobility: a cultural opportunity broaden your horizon about people and systems learn to understand that “your set of values” is just “one set of values” become “richer” as a person the cultural opportunities depend on the position in which the mobility takes place

7 KCH: Involvement in mobility Contributed to transparency of information in the National Vocational Qualifications Framework in the Netherlands: a competency based description of qualifications (NVQ’s Netherlands) using the same method for all sectors by using the same principles and language we understand a lot better what competencies are needed in what occupations the national experience helps us in our work in international projects

8 KCH: Involvement in mobility Accreditation and support of companies abroad that participate in formal vocational education database of 600 accredited companies abroad based on commonly agreed quality criteria focus on Belgium, Germany, UK and Spain working together with educational institutes that sent students abroad working together with institutes/experts in the different countries to accreditate and support companies evaluate apprenticeships

9 KCH: Involvement in mobility approach of common objectives/jobprofile: Cominter/Recomfor project approach of membership of structural network: European vocational Association of VET ( approach of Euregional needs: Germany-Netherlands-Belgium. A demand driven reality. Participation in international projects

10 Cominter-Recomfor project Objectives: Common European qualification for international trade: validated by social partners in 9 European countries implemented at (inter)national level Stimulating mobility in international trade by in initial VET: using ECVET creating a European network of recognized training centres and companies KCH: Involvement in mobility

11 Certicom project: example of network approach within EVTA network starting from needs of its members using mobility and European instruments as mean ( diversity in needs and solutions within a structured network with resources (technical staff, technological support, history of collaboration since 1996) focused on continuous and/or adults one of the projects: the construction of an European internet application with a database of companies selected according to common agreed quality criteria (= certicom project) KCH: Involvement in mobility

12 Euregional context in the Euregions Germany-Netherlands-Belgium real socio-economic context consumers moving, SME’s doing business need and necessity to involve VET and in particularly mobility between trainees, expressed by regional stakeholders. VET providers, stakeholders KCH involved in exchange and pilot project related to mobiity. Involving companies, trainees and trainers. Use of European tools envisaged in particularly ECVET KCH: Involvement in mobility

13 We are available for further questions and contact Peter Cras General director KCH Pasqualino Mare Manager KCH International

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