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SKAMP Square Kilometre Array Molonglo Prototype. Supporting Institutions  University of Sydney  Argus Technologies  ATNF  ICT Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "SKAMP Square Kilometre Array Molonglo Prototype. Supporting Institutions  University of Sydney  Argus Technologies  ATNF  ICT Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 SKAMP Square Kilometre Array Molonglo Prototype

2 Supporting Institutions  University of Sydney  Argus Technologies  ATNF  ICT Centre

3 SKAMP Team  Bevan Jones  Andrew Parfitt  John Kot  Peter Liversidge  Daniel Mitchell  Adrian Blake  Anne Green  Duncan Campbell-Wilson  John Bunton  Mike Kesteven  Tim Adams  Martin Leung  Sergey Vinagradov School of Physics, University of Sydney Argus Technologies, Sydney ICT Centre, CSIRO Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO

4 SKAMP Specifications  Multibeaming  Wide instantaneous field of view  Digital beamforming  Wide-band FX correlator (2048 channels)  Frequency and pointing agility Collecting area = 1% of SKA (i.e. equivalent to 1 SKA station)  Line feed 0.3-1.4 GHz >100 MHz instant BW  Cylindrical antenna prototype  RFI mitigation strategies - adaptive noise cancellation

5 SKAMP Project Stage I: Continuum Operation  New IF Samplers  Digital delay lines  Fringe tracking  Continuum correlator (96 station; 4 MHz) Stage II: Spectral Line Operation  New LO  New IF distribution  2048 channel polyphase filter/antenna;  Spectral line cross-correlator engine (50 MHz BW) Stage III: Wide Band Operation  Wide band feed (300-1400 MHz)  RF beamformers distributed along the cylinder  New front-end  Digital beamformer + increased correlator BW

6 SKAMP Development Groups  Antenna/Linefeed  Data Acquisition & Beamforming  Correlator  Signal Processing A x B

7 Antenna/Linefeed Progress Initial prototyping and simulation has begun for possible linefeed designs Currently being investigated is a wideband dipole antenna element  A three element array has been constructed and tested  Several multi element arrays have been simulated A x B

8 Prototype antenna design


10 Simulation: Normalised Amplitude  Eight Element Array  Optimal choice of spacing  High polarisation purity (-24 dB)  Low level of sidelobes

11 Simulation: X-Polar Pattern  Eight Element Array  Optimal choice of spacing  High polarisation purity (-24 dB)  Low level of sidelobes

12 Data Acquisition & Beam-forming Progress 100 x ADC boards manufactured & ready to install Digital delay & phase-tracking board currently being manufactured First fringes obtained Stage II – samplers, IF signal transport and beamformers in design A x B

13 ADC Production & Testing

14 First Fringes

15 Correlator Progress Correlator design complete & PCB is current being manufactured/populated Testing & debugging will commence early July Lab for testing established at USYD Stage II – spectral line correlator design being revised; several options for polyphase filterbank A x B

16 Signal Processing Progress SKAMP I interface built and installed  Controlled acquisition of telescope parameters, wide field position and visibilities every second  From ephemeris package, computed delay, phase and phase rates. Also calculation of telescope tilt and meridian distance.  Distribution of information to delay and phase control units  Imminent completion of data visibility formatting and archiving A x B

17 Summary Stage I:  Commissioning August – December 2004 Stage II:  Update design matrix Stage III:  Commissioning eight element prototype  Simulation of centre fed finite cylinder

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