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Portavin integrated wine services A Bottling Perspective on Taints and Contributors to Variation.

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Presentation on theme: "Portavin integrated wine services A Bottling Perspective on Taints and Contributors to Variation."— Presentation transcript:

1 portavin integrated wine services A Bottling Perspective on Taints and Contributors to Variation

2 portavin integrated wine services Definitions Wine Taints & Variability Differences or changes in the chemical structure of a wine when compared to a reference, and detected by sensory and laboratory analysis. Differences or changes in the chemical structure of a wine when compared to a reference, and detected by sensory and laboratory analysis. Contributing Factors Factors that may contribute to chemical change within a wine sample. Factors that may contribute to chemical change within a wine sample.

3 portavin integrated wine services Overview Contributing Factors Primary Packaging Primary Packaging Bottling Line Bottling Line Rate of Bottling Rate of Bottling Wine Preparation Wine Preparation Storage Storage

4 portavin integrated wine services Primary Packaging Contamination of primary packaging can strongly influence the development of taints – direct contact. Contamination of primary packaging can strongly influence the development of taints – direct contact. An approach of risk minimisation can be implemented. An approach of risk minimisation can be implemented.

5 portavin integrated wine services Primary Packaging Glass –Contamination – microbiological, particulate, moisture. –Existence can contribute to taints. –Primary causes – compromised packaging, production and storage environment, re-use of open pallets. –Risk reduction – rinsing and inversion, reject non conforming goods, suitable storage conditions.

6 integrated wine services Primary Packaging Glass - continued –Quality – adherence to specification – shape. –Influences integrity of seal between glass and machine – exposure to differing conditions. –Reject non conforming stock, wine handling procedures.

7 portavin integrated wine services Primary Packaging Closures –Cork – natural product, some level of taint and variation may result. –Screw Caps – contamination in production and storage is possible. –Quality – ability to reduce rate of O2 diffusion and adherence to specification.

8 portavin integrated wine services Bottling Line Materials –potential for taint development through interaction with the product - bottling components & chemical inputs. –Risk Reduction – QA systems. Rinsing Systems –Water Quality – microbiological & chemical contamination. –Risk Reduction – water treatment systems and hygiene practices.

9 portavin integrated wine services Bottling Line Filling Systems – Hygiene & sanitation – control of microbiological and chemical contaminants. – Mechanical and Manufacturing – correct operation & residual contaminants. – Risk Reduction – effective cleaning & maintenance programs, monitoring, training programs.

10 portavin integrated wine services Bottling Line Gas Injection –Quality – possible contribution to taint. –Hygiene – contaminated gas tubes. –Correct operation – function and seal integrity. –Risk Reduction – gas filtration, cleaning regimes (CIP), monitoring systems.

11 portavin integrated wine services Bottling Line Closure Systems –Vacuum & Gas Injection – microbial and residue contamination, operation. –Risk Reduction – cleaning procedures (CIP), monitoring.

12 portavin integrated wine services Rate of Bottling Two Main Effects: 1. Governs time of exposure to factors influencing taint production. 2. Governs length of time product is exposed to variable conditions. –Changes in the rate of bottling have the potential to contribute to chemical differences in wine throughout a batch.

13 portavin integrated wine services Rate of Bottling - Factors Dry Goods –Glass – seal between glass and machine, breakage, labelling. –Corks – dust generation – assisted by vac corking. –Screw Caps – damaged or out of specification. –Caps, labels, cartons – out of specification – accumulation reduces impact. –Bottling Line – breakdowns.

14 portavin integrated wine services Rate of Bottling - Factors Filtration Wine clarity (turbidity) to suit filtration grade. Wine clarity (turbidity) to suit filtration grade. Blockage may contribute to – –Exposure of wine to different conditions – eg pressure. –Force through – differing chemical composition. –Stoppages.

15 portavin integrated wine services Rate of Bottling - Factors

16 portavin integrated wine services Wine Handling & Preparation Wine –Pre-bottling additions – uneven distribution of additive. –Ullage cover – gas covered headspace – dissolved O 2 variation. –Risk Reduction – mixing, follow up analysis, sampling practices.

17 portavin integrated wine services Wine Handling & Preparation

18 portavin integrated wine services Storage Storage Conditions –Maintain temperatures to specification – rates of thermal gain and loss – possible contribution to taint.

19 portavin integrated wine services  Static & Mobile Bottling Services  Wine Warehousing and Distribution  Bulk Wine Storage and Handling  Laboratory Services  Dry Good Supply

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