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 Fine for offence $250,000  Order to pay the DEC's court costs $190,000  Order to pay Warringah Council's clean up & investigation costs $26,230.

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4  Fine for offence $250,000  Order to pay the DEC's court costs $190,000  Order to pay Warringah Council's clean up & investigation costs $26,230  Order to pay Manly Council's clean up costs $24,270  Cost to Warringah Golf Club of installing bunding $6,614  Cost to Warringah Golf Club of installing further environmental controls $73,789  TOTAL $570,903 Warringah Golf Club penalties

5  “…the Court should send a powerful message to sporting club operators, and in particular, golf clubs, that mismanagement or, particularly as in this case, abandonment of environmental responsibility will lead to condign punishment.” Justice Talbot

6  Today’s society demands that every industry is accountable for its impact on our environment.  The golf industry is no different.

7  This means we need to understand how our activities could potentially impact our environment  Then we need to be able manage, monitor and measure what we do  We need a system to do this  Golf clubs manage nearly 400 environmental risks every day.

8  E-Par is an Environmental Management System (EMS) that has been developed specifically for the golf industry.  It complies with (in fact exceeds)the international standard (ISO14001) for EMS’s.  This means world’s best practice is assured for any golf club utilising e-Par.

9  There are 18 steps to developing e-Par, including a cyclable process of assessment, planning, action, and review.

10 Copyright EBS Pty Ltd 2004 All rights reserved. 9 PLAN Environmental Policy Environmental Aspects Legal Requirements Objectives and Targets Environmental Management Program DO Structure, Responsibility Training Communication Env Mgt Documentation Document Control Operational Control Emergency Preparedness CHECK/CORRECT Monitoring/Measurement Non Conformance/ Corrective / Preventive Action Records Audits ACT / IMPROVE Management Review Continual Improvement


12  It is essential that all levels of club hierachy understand the principles behind an EMS, because at the end of the day, we are ALL responsible for our performance.  This includes developing an Environmental Policy that is endorsed by Senior Management

13  E-Par makes EMS development easier as it contains a range of document templates that can be adapted for our club’s specific circumstances.

14  The initial development of e-Par takes between 20-25 hours to complete, then typcially 2 hours a week to maintain and administer.

15 1 ST TEE - Initial Environmental Review ( 2 HOURS) 2 ND TEE - Develop Environmental Policy (0.5 HOUR) 3 RD TEE - Environmental Aspects & Impacts (1 HOUR) 4 TH TEE - Legal and Other Requirements (2 HOURS) 5 TH TEE - Environmental Objectives & Targets ( 1 HOUR) 6 TH TEE - Environmental Action Plans ( 1 HOUR) 7 TH TEE - Structure and Responsibility ( 1 HOUR) 8 TH TEE - Training, Awareness & Competence (0.45 HOUR) 9 TH TEE - Communication (0.5 HOUR) 10 TH TEE – Documentation (0.5 HOUR) 11 TH TEE - Document Control (0.5 HOUR) 12 TH TEE - Operational Control (1 HOUR) 13 TH TEE - Emergency Response (1.5 HOUR) 14 TH TEE - Monitoring & Measure (1 HOUR) 15 TH TEE - Non-Conformance (0.5 HOUR) 16 TH TEE – Records (0.5 HOUR) 17 TH TEE – Audit (2 HOURS) 18 TH TEE - Management Review (2 – 3 HOURS) FRONT9FRONT9 BACK9BACK9 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT

16  The game of golf will continue to be scrutinised closely regarding its impact on the environment.  With diligent management, golf courses can demonstrate considerable environmental benefits.

17  The development and maintenance of a compliant EMS will ensure our club can demonstrate best practice management of our environment.

18 Improved environmental performance Enhanced compliance assurance Prevention of pollution/resource conservation Increased efficiency/reduced costs Enhanced employee morale Enhanced image with public, regulators, lenders, investors Employee awareness of environmental issues and responsibilities Reduced risk

19  Washdown bays can be expensive to construct, but a simple risk assessment can help to identify some specific improvements to our existing bay that will significantly reduce the potential for an environmental incident

20  Many fuel dispensing areas are non compliant, but simply ensuring any spills are contained can reduce the risk to you and your club.  Similarly, chemical handling and mixing areas should be reviewed to ensure any spill, large or small, can be contained to the immediate area.

21  Record keeping is often overlooked or neglected because of time pressure  Committing time to develop or source easy to use templates and then to complete them will improve the club’s compliance significantly

22  Compliance requirements are here to stay, and are going to be enforced more strictly.  Developing and maintaining an EMS that meets the international standard ISO14001 should be seen as an investment that protects the club, management, staff and members, as well as the environment.

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