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Towards an Age-Friendly Melbourne MAV Positive Ageing State-Wide Forum 14 March 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards an Age-Friendly Melbourne MAV Positive Ageing State-Wide Forum 14 March 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards an Age-Friendly Melbourne MAV Positive Ageing State-Wide Forum 14 March 2013

2  Commenced with discussions with COTA early 2011  Progressed with Age Friendly Melbourne report commissioned late 2011 and finalised July 2012  Elections and new Councillors delayed progress  Briefing to Councillors January 2013  Action plan agreed with Manager/Director  Community Engagement plan developed Our Process

3 Whole of Council Approach Similar to Disability Action Plan, Housing Strategy, Walking Strategy, Homelessness Plan, Young People’s Policy, Transport Plan, Capital Works etc

4 Our Process con’t *First meeting of Steering Committee late Jan 2013 *AFM Factsheet developed *Meetings with Directors/Managers *Meetings with Managers and their teams *Branch ‘champions’ requested *Staff Lunchtime information session mid-March *Town Hall meeting/focus groups mid-March 2013

5  Continue meeting with each Branch/Team  Search for more Champions across Council  Hear the voices of older residents and visitors  Meet with Councillors individually  Receive endorsement through Council Plan to progress Age Friendly Melbourne June 2013 Next Steps

6 Challenges Hearing the voices of older people Resources Personal biases about ageing Questions about ‘WHY’? Time Residents/ visitors/ workers Feeling like we can make a real difference Finding out what Branches are already doing

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