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Engaged enquiry in WRIT2002: Advanced Writing and Rhetoric WRIT2002: Advanced Writing and Rhetoric Frances Di Lauro Writing Hub.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaged enquiry in WRIT2002: Advanced Writing and Rhetoric WRIT2002: Advanced Writing and Rhetoric Frances Di Lauro Writing Hub."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaged enquiry in WRIT2002: Advanced Writing and Rhetoric WRIT2002: Advanced Writing and Rhetoric Frances Di Lauro Writing Hub

2 Context: ›Senior, 6 credit point, Writing Hub unit ›Elective (no major) ›Size of Cohort: 62 students ›Blended delivery -Live “flipped” lectures 2 traditional lectues seminars live excursion -Online 2 online lecture Assignment submission, marking and assignment return 2

3 Learning Spaces: ›PNR Learning Studio 311 (flipped or reverse lectures) -Flat Room -72 seats -18 pods, each with a computer and a large monitor ›PNR Learning Studio 316 (seminars and tutorials) -Flat Room -30 seats -15 desktop computers on spider arms ›Outdoor field trip 3

4 The image below is from the following webpage:


6 In The above image is from the following webpage: labour-auction-street-art-wood.htm

7 7 Background given to students: “Several weeks ago, the mural disappeared from the wall. A photograph of the piece later appeared on the cover a catalogue advertising items for auction at a US auction house.” Students were instructed to watch a news clip: 24/banksy-mural-miami-auction-video 24/banksy-mural-miami-auction-video

8 8 Week 1 Individual: preliminary research other perspectives questions brainstorm create a thread on discussion board

9 9 For example: A student of history might develop questions about the contribution of street art to public and social records. A psychology student might consider the effects of such an event on the morale of the local community. A law student might explore the legitimacy of the removal of the art and about who is entitled to sell it.

10 10 Week 2 Collaborative: view basic article further research record findings and references in group journals

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13 13 Week 3 Collaborative: complete Wikipedia editing training module and create account compare group research results with original article add new research to a class wiki

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15 15 Week 4 Collaborative: follow instructions highlighted in yellow on class wiki edit and proofread the work highlighted in purple integrate with existing article on Wikipedia

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18 Objectives: ›evaluate the effectiveness of this text ›assess the rhetorical situation and apply to debate current issues ›analyse the rhetorical strategies in the text ›seek connections between arguments and contexts 18 WRIT2002: Advanced Writing and Rhetoric

19 Outcomes: ›plan for and meet goals and deadlines, both independently and as a team member; ›demonstrate skills in research and analysis to link information in an original way ›apply the concepts of rhetorical reasoning in evaluating discussions on current issues and defend an ethical and logical argument effectively in various mediums 19 WRIT2002: Advanced Writing and Rhetoric

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24 Student Comments: ›“ It developed my ability to use different mediums of texts and technology and helped me to evaluate and integrate different styles of learning.” ›“The technology and activities allowed great group work, which made the learning activities enjoyable.” › ›“Most lectures consisted of group work and peer evaluation. I’m now a lot more confident as a student in group work settings.” › ›“The level of interaction and the group-focused learning structure me make some friends from my course for the first time!” 24 WRIT2002: Advanced Writing and Rhetoric

25 Acknowledgements: Thank you to Susan Atkinson and Roman Tantangelo, of Sydney eLearning, for your invaluable guidance and support. 25 WRIT2002: Advanced Writing and Rhetoric


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