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Welcome. Ways of Working No Name No Blame No Shame.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome. Ways of Working No Name No Blame No Shame."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome


3 Ways of Working No Name No Blame No Shame

4 Ways of Working Defer judgment & keep an open mind

5 Ways of Working Use positive & respectful language

6 House Keeping





11 Our Brief

12 Define the issue Gather Data Community Action A Community Action B Community Action C Develop a Code of Conduct School A Data School B Data School C Data Aggregated Data

13 So what did our data say… ? Over 1300 people were surveyed

14 QUESTION 1 Gender MaleFemale 51%49% QUESTION 2 Age <10yrs10-15yrs16-20yrs20-25yrs25yrs< 1%71%18%2%7% Who were they?

15 QUESTION 3 How much time do you spend online each day (on average)? 0-2hrs2-5hrs6-8hrs8hrs< 46%38%10%5% QUESTION 4 How much of this time is using social media? (facebook, twitter, etc…) 0-2hrs2-5hrs6-8hrs8hrs< 67%23%6%3% Who were they?

16 QUESTION 5 What makes you want to/not want to use social media? The overwhelming response for why people want to use social media was to communicate/stay in contact with friends and family Many said they did not want to use social media as it was “addictive”, “time consuming”, “less private” and they “preferred to talk to friends directly” Who were they?

17 QUESTION 6 For what purposes do you use social media a) Personal use – friends only b) Personal use – family only c) Personal use – family and friends d) Business/Professional use only e) Professional and Personal use 27%6%65%2%10% Who were they?

18 QUESTION 7 What do you do to protect yourself and your friends when using social media? a) Use privacy settings b) Post carefully c) Only friend people I know d) Use private messages rather than wall posts e) Other 71%36%47%28%6% Online behaviour expectations?

19 QUESTION 8 On a scale of 1 to 10 please rate how concerned you are about the following a) bullying online b) bullying offline c) rumour spreading d) breaches of privacy e) friending inappropriate people f) exposure to inappropriate content g) online issues moving offline Online behaviour expectations?

20 QUESTION 9 Have you ever observed inappropriate behaviour when using social media? YesNo 62%38% QUESTION 10 How confident do you feel in responding to inappropriate online behaviour? 8.3 Online behaviour expectations?

21 QUESTION 11 If you were to witness online bullying what would you do? (choose 1 or more) a) nothing b) join in c) log off/leave the site d) send an online message to the person being bullied e) confront/challenge the bully f) support the person being bullied g) get help from someone else h) send a message to the administrator of the site to alert them to inappropriate use 23%7%23%17%24%47%21%32% Online behaviour expectations?

22 QUESTION 12 To what level are your perceptions of others influenced by what they post online 5.2 QUESTION 13 Please rate the extent to which your behaviours/choices are influenced by what you see on social media sites when posted by a) Friends b) Family c) Sports people d) Celebrities e) People you don’t know Leadership online?

23 QUESTION 14 Do you think AFL footballers have a higher responsibility (than the general public) to encourage positive online behaviour in others YesNo 65%35% QUESTION 15 Rank the following eight values in order from most important (1) to least important (8) to be modelled by AFL footballers on social media sites respect loyalty striving for excellence honesty/ trustworthiness integrity responsibility tolerance/ inclusion compassion Leadership online?

24 Codes of Conduct

25 Values What the organisation sees as highly important eg: respect, honesty, collaboration, responsibility Values What the organisation sees as highly important eg: respect, honesty, collaboration, responsibility Principles What the organisation sees as believes is appropriate and inappropriate Principles What the organisation sees as believes is appropriate and inappropriate Practices How the organisation expects its people to act Practices How the organisation expects its people to act


27 Morning Tea

28 Rotating Jigsaw brainstorm the values, principles and beliefs that should be included in our code of conduct

29 Values the core of what this Code of Conduct will stand for

30 Principles the beliefs upon which we will build our Code of Conduct

31 Practices the expectations of behaviour our Code of Conduct will identify

32 Developing a Code of Conduct We value… what we hold as important We believe… what we define as appropriate & the rights of people using social media We expect… what players should do when they see or hear of inappropriate behaviour & how to lead responsibly

33 Lunch

34 Student Action Team Planning time

35 Student Code of Conduct Acceptable Usage Agreements



38 Presentation Ian Burrage General Manager Innovation & Next Practice

39 Your survey results Number of respondents: 1341 QUESTION 6 For what purposes do you use social media a) Personal use – friends only b) Personal use – family only c) Personal use – family and friends d) Business/Professional use only e) Professional and Personal use 27%6%65%2%10% >90% friends and family

40 QUESTION 7 What do you do to protect yourself and your friends when using social media? a) Use privacy settings b) Post carefully c) Only friend people I know d) Use private messages rather than wall posts e) Other 71%36%47%28%6% Your survey results Number of respondents: 1341 Good use of privacy settings

41 QUESTION 9 Have you ever observed inappropriate behaviour when using social media? YesNo 62%38% Your survey results See it happening and are confident to act QUESTION 10 How confident do you feel in responding to inappropriate online behaviour? 8.3

42 QUESTION 11 If you were to witness online bullying what would you do? (choose 1 or more) a) nothing b) join in c) log off/leave the site d) send an online message to the person being bullied e) confront/challenge the bully f) support the person being bullied g) get help from someone else h) send a message to the administrator of the site to alert them to inappropriate use 23%7%23%17%24%47%21%32% Your survey results however…

43 Presentation Ian Burrage General Manager Innovation & Next Practice

44 LOADING >>>>>>>>

45 Presentation Cameron Schwab Chief Executive Officer Melbourne Football Club

46 Jack Lynden Jared

47 Thank You


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