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4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest

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1 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest
Universities networks contribution to the development of the Danube Region Martin H. Gerzabek University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Institute for Soil Research, Department for Forest and Soil Sciences, Doru C. Pamfil University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Life Science Institute, Cluj-Napoca Vice-president Danube Rectors’ Conference ICA-CASEE 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest

2 European Research Area European Higher Education Area
2 Universities: drivers of innovation and education for more than 600 years R&D expenditure in the EU-27: Total 237 Billion € (basis 2011) HEI: 54 Billion € (23%) 2,906 higher education institutions (EUA 2011) 1,364 research universities > awarding PhD HEI: employ scientist (44%) out of 1, European R&D personnel 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest

3 Examples of already existing networks in the Danube Region

4 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest
Danube Rectors Conference 4 54 members, high ranking network of significant universities of 13 Danube countries 1983 Vienna - Rectors from the universities of Ulm, Linz, Vienna and Budapest established the Danube Rectors' Conference EU (9): Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania,Slovakia,Slovenia Non EU (4): Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, Ukraine 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest 4

5 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest
Danube Rectors Conference 5 2013 Registrated in Brussels with a new hedqurter Objectives: to raise the general level of academic performance to promote mobility multilateral cooperation in the Danube region support the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS) DRC Conference November 2013 in Cluj-Napoca 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest 5

6 Danube Rectors Conference
6 Over 3 Million Students and Staf 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest

7 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest
DRC members scientific publications SCOPUS (until VIII/2012) 7 Total publications: General universities: Specialized universities: 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest

8 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest
Transport Migration 8 DRC Biodiversity Pollution Floods and Floodplains Water and Groundwater Population 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest 8

9 DRC/CASEE involvement in the EU Strategy for the Danube region
9 High Level Conference , Brussels “SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT TO THE DANUBE STRATEGY - Environment protection, navigability, energy production, Irrigation and agricultural development and European governance” DRC:“Danube Basin development – environmental constraints, research needs and networks.” 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest

10 Association for European Life Science Universities - ICA
10 > 60 Life Science universities 23 European countries relating to agriculture, forestry, food, natural resources, rural development, environment linked with the European Higher Education Area 1988 registrated in Brusells, with objectives as: stimulate the development education, research and innovation through the elaboration of joint actions and global engagement support networking in the life sciences to share expertise and understanding represent the general interest of our members at the European level and globally 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest

11 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest
ICA 11 ICA-CASEE 22 members, Universities from regional network ICA for Central and South Eastern Europe active in sustainable ecological and economical development of the region (including Danube area) R&D single or in consortia in 266 projects over 1 million students huge potential over 120,000 scientific papers written by more than 40,000 authors (Scopus 2012) 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest 11

12 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest
12 CASEE expectation 12 support the development and implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube region strengthen research, innovation, education and University development in this region (including Danube area) develop joint research, educational and other projects (e.g. joint curricula, joint continuous educational offers, structural development, human resource development, QA, know-how-transfer, etc make an inventory of relevant R&D data and collaboration potential of the network >>> DRC >>>> DAC >>> JRC CASEE Conference 2-3 July 2013 in Croatia (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture) 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest

13 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest
13 CASEE geographical coverage 13 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest (Lostak 2011)

14 CASEE network in Daube area
14 (Lostak 2011) 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest

15 Main areas of CASEE cooperation
15 (Based on Scopus, Lostak2011)

16 Research Institutions 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest
Chemistry Agriculture Food supply Livestock Biotechnology Genetics Socio economics Logistics Legislation Botany Zoology Geology Soil sciences 16 Navigation Trafic Logistics Migration Economics Invasive species Pollution Biodiversity Sediment transport Groundwater Sedimentation Humanities Hydrology River construction River restoration Water abstraction Irrigation Sanitation Waste management Landfills Universities Academies Research Institutions Forestry Game sciences Physics Hydrobiology Fisheries 16 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest

17 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest
JRC + DAC + DRC + CASEE partners for 17 Danube Common Data Platform and network accessible to decision-makers and other relevant stakeholders of the Danube Region Related priority areas of the EUSDR: PA 01 - Mobility – Waterways (coordinated by Austria and Romania) PA 02 - Energy (coordinated by Hungary and the Czech Republic) PA 04 - Water Quality (coordinated by Hungary and Slovakia) PA 05 - Environmental Risks (coordinated by Hungary and Romania) PA 06 - Biodiversity, landscapes, quality of air and soils (coordinated by Bavaria and Croatia) PA 07 - Knowledge society and ICT (coordinated by Slovakia and Serbia) 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest

18 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest
JRC + DAC + DRC + CASEE partners for EUSDR JRC 18 DAC EUSDR DRC 9 54 CASSE 24 DRC Conference 7-9 November 2013 in Cluj-Napoca 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest

19 Danube Strategy Progress Report
Brussels, COM(2013) 181 final 19 EU Commissioner for Regional Development, Johannes Hahn:  “We have made a very good start. The Danube Strategy is already showing that by working together we can have a far greater impact than if we try to tackle problems in isolation. Now we need to step up a gear.” “Ensure systematic embedding of the Strategy in EU, national and regional programmes for the period , especially European Structural and EN 10 EN Investment Funds, Horizon 2020, using the expertise of Danube networks in programming and implementation” 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest

20 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest
20 Thank you! With the help of: H. Waidbacher, H. Habersack, D. Mattanovich, T. Rosenau, M. Lostak 4th Danube Academies Conference, Bucharest

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