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PCEHR +. Person Holding/owning their file Medical information “e” for electronic Lock (security)

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2 Person Holding/owning their file Medical information “e” for electronic Lock (security)



5 The right information for the right person at the right time and place

6 Lots of things are happening in eHealth at the moment… Discharge summaries Electronic health records Secure messaging Healthcare identifiers eReferrals National health provider directory Data quality ePrescribing Telehealth

7 2 key national initiatives Healthcare Identifiers (now) PCEHR (July 2012)

8 Healthcare Identifiers (3) Individuals Health Providers Health Organisations

9 Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) Name/address/DOBDischarge summaries IdentifierAllergies Health summaryMedications ResultsImmunisations Health diary

10 PCEHR System

11 2 lead organisations

12 12 eHealth sites in Australia 3 eHealth sites in Queensland Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local Brisbane South/Ipswich Divisions Mater Hospital - SEA-GP, SPHN, Brisbane South.

13 All of the eHealth sites are trialing processes such as consent models and matching identifiers with people. The lessons learnt will inform the national roll-out. Target groups that will benefit most from a PCEHR include: mothers and newborns aged care people with chronic conditions palliative care Indigenous populations. 12 eHealth sites in Australia

14 4 partners IT Infrastructure Quality Assurance Benefits & Evaluation Change & Adoption

15 Program integration What role can program coordinators play in delivering messages about the PCEHR? eHealth team can provide a brief presentation at GPQ program workshops in 2011 – awareness raising eHealth team can provide a more detailed presentation at GPQ program workshops in 2012 – change & adoption Resources available at your workshops Articles in your newsletters Topic in your teleconferences Links from your webpages Updates from eHealth team at your team meetings

16 Key messages The PCEHR is coming! Lots to do in less than 12 months Foundations like Identifiers are needed first The PCEHR will impact on all program areas Awareness raising is critical over the next 12 months The quality of the data is more important than ever Change & adoption is our key role – more details soon New solutions need to integrate with the PCEHR The PCEHR will be one of the biggest changes to health care that Australia has ever seen It will take years for the PCEHR system to be fully populated and fully utilised The PCEHR will result in safer and better quality care for patients if utilised effectively

17 Any questions?

18 David Millichap Senior Program Leader – eHealth 07 3105 8300 +

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