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Building the Evidence Having research to support the story Health Workforce Australia 2013 Conference APHCRIA/Prof Terry Findlay.

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Presentation on theme: "Building the Evidence Having research to support the story Health Workforce Australia 2013 Conference APHCRIA/Prof Terry Findlay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building the Evidence Having research to support the story Health Workforce Australia 2013 Conference APHCRIA/Prof Terry Findlay

2 2 Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute Funded by Commonwealth Department of Health to; Commission research to address priorities Build PHC research workforce capacity Support implementation of findings

3 Keeping it on the shelf Researcher driven Inflexible method Disconnected Come back in five years Publish or perish 3

4 APHCRI Government Priorities Research/Industry/Government Interface Consumer Engagement Mandate Partnership Mandate Explicit Implementation Agenda Policy & Service Impact 4

5 5 Whose Story researcher consumer provider system funder Interest groups

6 MacKeon Review Target Driven Embedded Partnerships Health Service/Policy Implementation/Translation 6

7 Implications of Implementation Focus Understand priorities What drives funder Relevant partners Complexity Flexibility Research method Implementation strategy 7

8 Funding Research Who you areImpact What you do ImpactWho you are 8

9 It is not about you Priority DrivenResearcher Driven EmbeddedIndependent PartnershipsAcademic Institution Cross DisciplineSingle Discipline FlexibleFixed Method End User RelevantResearcher Relevant RecommendationsFindings 9

10 Value The user story The partnerships The journey The impact 10

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