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Benchmarking for Parliamentary Russell Groves November, 2012 an Australian Government, AusAID initiative.

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1 Benchmarking for Parliamentary Russell Groves November, 2012 an Australian Government, AusAID initiative Parliament of Uganda Institutional Strengthening Program Effective Committees 2 &3 and 6&7 November 2012, Kampala

2 Parliament of Uganda Four types of committees, established under the Rules of procedure (Parts XXIV-XXVII) Standing and sessional committees Departmental related committees Select committees Ad Hoc Committees an Australian Government, AusAID initiative

3 Standing Committees the Public Accounts Committee; the Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline; the Business Committee; the Committee on Budget; the Committee on National Economy; the Committee on Appointments; the Committee on Equal Opportunities; the Committee on Government Assurances; the Committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises; the Committee on Local Government Accounts; the Committee on HIV/AIDS and related matters; and the Committee on Science and Technology. an Australian Government, AusAID initiative

4 Sessional Committees Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries; Tourism, Trade and Industry; Social Services - (i) Education and Sports; and (ii) Health. Gender, Labour and Social Development Physical Infrastructure - (i) Lands; (ii) Housing; (iii) Urban Development; (iv) Works and Transport; and (v) Physical Planning. Legal and Parliamentary Affairs - (i) Judiciary, (ii) Parliament, (iii) Justice, (iv) Law Reform Commission, (v) Electoral Commission, (vi) Human Rights Commission, and (vii) Inspectorate of Government; Public Service and Local Government Natural Resources Presidential Affairs Foreign Affairs Defence and Internal Affairs Finance, Planning and Economic Development. Information, Communication and Technology an Australian Government, AusAID initiative

5 Recommended Benchmarks CPA Recommended Benchmarks for Democratic Legislatures Structure  Legislatures have the right to form permanent committees  Membership of committees shall include both majority and minority party members  The Legislature shall establish and follow a transparent method for selecting or electing the chairs of committees  Committee hearings shall be in public –any exceptions shall be clearly defined and provided for in the rules of procedure

6 Discussion: Committee typology Functions & powers Activities What committee system is in place? – Types of committees incl. legislation, standing portfolio/departmental, select – Functions Scrutiny/oversight, investigative – Committee powers call for submissions, summons witnesses, take evidence – Resources incl. access to legal advice, expert assistance How active are the committees - – What committee inquiries & activities have been undertaken recently? – What staff and resources are available to support the committees? Can they access expert opinion? – How many committees hold public hearings & how frequently? – What stakeholder engagement occurs? Do they receive submissions from the public? – Are the committees bipartisan? – Do the committees make recommendations? – What inquiries have been completed? – What is the Government response?

7 Source: European Parliament, Office for Promotion of Parliamentary Democracy, Benchmarking for Parliaments – self-assessment or minimum criteria, 2012, pp.44-55 Suggested practical examples to meet committee benchmarks for Parliaments in different stages of development





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