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Tracking Phonological Awareness: A research journey JOANNE FAULKNER FACULTY OF EDUCATION.

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Presentation on theme: "Tracking Phonological Awareness: A research journey JOANNE FAULKNER FACULTY OF EDUCATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tracking Phonological Awareness: A research journey JOANNE FAULKNER FACULTY OF EDUCATION

2 The University of Western Australia unceremoniously What are some of the things that happen in your head when you hear this word, so that you can say it again? blixonasbotumpjoffip

3 The University of Western Australia Why measure phonological awareness in pre-primary students?

4 The University of Western Australia How did we measure it originally? Repeating words Rhyming

5 The University of Western Australia Person item distribution graph Answers the question: Are the items too hard or too easy for the students we are testing?

6 The University of Western Australia Item location graph Answers the question: How difficult are the item sets in relation to each other? RepeatingRhyming

7 The University of Western Australia Easy Repeating Rhyming Medium Repeating Rhyming Difficult Very Difficult

8 The University of Western Australia How do we measure it now? Repeating words Splitting words Isolating phonemes

9 The University of Western Australia Person item distribution graph Answers the question: Are the items too hard or too easy for the students we are testing?

10 The University of Western Australia Item location graph Answers the question: How difficult are the item sets in relation to each other? RepeatingSplittingIsolating

11 The University of Western Australia Easy Repeating Medium Splitting Difficult Isolating Very Difficult ???

12 The University of Western Australia Don’t forget the unexpected anecdotal evidence we always find when working with students!

13 The University of Western Australia We have a created a tool that is more robust and detailed useful to show the starting point of a student’s phonological awareness useful to measure progress in phonological awareness in the first year of formal schooling useful for identifying students who may need support in the area of phonological awareness

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