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BONUS Plus! Sharing library resources across Australasia Katie Wilson BONUS+ Project Coordinator AIUG - Auckland, NZ 14 November, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "BONUS Plus! Sharing library resources across Australasia Katie Wilson BONUS+ Project Coordinator AIUG - Auckland, NZ 14 November, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 BONUS Plus! Sharing library resources across Australasia Katie Wilson BONUS+ Project Coordinator AIUG - Auckland, NZ 14 November, 2012

2 Sharing resources internationally INN-Reach resource sharing software online user initiated, unmediated requesting complements and supplements services and collections international geographical coverage, 1/6 of the globe, four time zones 13 library members

3 BONUS+ consortium New Zealand: Massey University WA: Murdoch University, Edith Cowan University VIC: Deakin University, La Trobe University, University of Ballarat, University of Melbourne, Victoria University NSW: UTS, University of Newcastle, University of Wollongong Queensland: QUT, Griffith University

4 One central catalogue members select contributions – low use monographs records uploaded automatically to central catalogue October 2012: 3 million bibliographic records, 7.2 million items 63% items unique to one library 0.05% held by 13 libraries all material available for loan


6 Meeting client expectations user initiated online requests for titles not available or on loan at local library local catalogue searches seamlessly transfer to BONUS+ up to date circulation status displays in real time 91% requests fulfilled

7 Search local catalogue Check local availability or BONUS+




11 Global lending environment clients identified against local systems no additional client registration software selects items using priority table regional groupings in NSW, Victoria, WA, Qld prioritise borrowing/lending

12 BONUS+ items in ENCORE

13 Online information Clients view requests and loan details online in MyLibrary cancel requests online automatic cancellation not-needed after date notices emailed from local libraries

14 Request statistics Oct 2007 to Oct 2012

15 Collaboration and co-operation BONUS+ site Co-ordinator at each library System Administrator, Monica Condon Project Co-ordinator, Katie Wilson policies, procedures, share information and workflows Steering Committee of University Librarians more members, more resources to share

16 Open to all Millennium libraries New members - consultation, staff presentations Implementation with Innovative Interfaces BONUS+ consortium training Talk to us at AIUG!

17 Thank you! Questions?

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