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Department of Human Services Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) Workforce Capacity Building to support ICDM Barbara Whyte Integrated Care Branch Department of Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Human Services Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) Workforce Capacity Building to support ICDM Barbara Whyte Integrated Care Branch Department of Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Human Services Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) Workforce Capacity Building to support ICDM Barbara Whyte Integrated Care Branch Department of Health

2 Overview Recap –The problem –The training –Your role Today –share your experiences and build up the team

3 Providing Chronic Care – Gaps Common problems reported through CHS audits incomplete and duplicate client assessment: inconsistent use of care plans limited information sharing between providers

4 Building ICDM workforce capacity A 4 year strategy Targeted at supporting agencies develop the necessary systems Promoting and using evidence based improvement strategies Continuous Quality Improvement eg PDSA to improve care

5 ICDM Workforce Capacity Building Activities for 2009 CEO Leadership Breakfast Community of Practice/Provider forums Project Management Training PDSA Training Clearing House Regional Plans Development of Care Planning Training Resource

6 Why PDSA training? Evidenced based Quality improvement Effective Used in Divisions – somewhere near you!

7 How does PDSA fit with the Wagner - Improving Chronic Care Model?

8 Quality Clinical Care Quality is about: best practice consistency coordination effectiveness efficiencies the CONNECTIONS and PATHWAYS - the ‘flow’ of work through a system

9 PDSA- An opportunity to progress quality improvement Make ICDM work ‘doable’ Understand the problem Trial small scale improvements Link with CQI plans and accreditation standards Quality care reports

10 ICDM PDSA training partners

11 ICDM PDSA Aim To increase skill in supporting quality improvement and change management in: Consistent care planning Communication with general practice

12 PDSA Participant Learning Objectives Participants to increase their: understanding and use of a service quality improvement strategy capacity to measure change capacity to implement selected VHA clinical performance indicators

13 Increase capacity to implement selected VHA performance indicators: Care Plan Indicators Format of Care Plans Complete Care Plans Incomplete Care Plans No Care Plan Reason for Incomplete Care Plan Client stated/agreed Issues / Problems Client stated/agreed Objectives / Goals Client stated/agreed Strategies / Actions Review Date of Care Plan Timeframe for goal attainment Responsibilities for action identified Participants in development of care plan Identified Consumer Acknowledgement Date Care Plan Developed Goal/ Objective Attained Recorded Care Plan Review

14 Increase capacity to implement selected VHA performance indicators: …..and Indicator 7: Communication to General Practitioner

15 PDSA participant tasks: Participation in pre and post project surveys Collect four data collections Participation in three workshops Submission of a minimum of eight PDSAs Refer to page 1.4 of the workbook

16 What is the key priority area? Assess the situation –Build on strengths –Identify gaps

17 How do you eat an elephant?

18 Remember this is about a series of small rapid and doable improvements! Ask 3 Key questions: What are you trying to accomplish? -the Goal How will you know that a change is an improvement? -the Measure What change can you make that will result in improvement? - the Ideas

19 Today Will provide you an opportunity to –Share –Hear –Be inspired –Reflect –Identify further improvement opportunities –Do more planning –Further build and strengthen your team

20 ….And don’t forget to

21 health/ health/cdm 2,160&t=Collaboratives For more information:

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