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COPYRIGHT AND THE ONLINE ENVIRONMENT Presented by Sharon Stewart 1 9606 2337.

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1 COPYRIGHT AND THE ONLINE ENVIRONMENT Presented by Sharon Stewart 1, 9606 2337

2 Online Copyright Issues in the news 1. Libraries online books database protected under fair use court rules. In the United States HathiTrust Digital Library has been allowed to scan millions of books for the purpose of putting them in a searchable database. We will now see how Google Books’ case goes. Reuters in New York, 2014, Libraries online books database protected under ‘fair use’, court rules, The Guardian, viewed 13 th June, 2014, < 2. IiNet rejects “heavy – handed” three strikes policy on piracy The Australian Government is working towards a three strikes policy on internet piracy. They want the internet providers to police this. The internet providers are not happy about this as proof has shown that these policies don’t work and they believe that people would engage in less piracy, (and statistics have shown that this is true) if they were allowed to obtain digital content that was up to date and reasonably priced. Reilly, C. 13th June 2014, IiNet rejects “heavy-handed” three strikes policy on piracy, C/net, Viewed 25 th June 2014, < 2

3 1st 1st Choice: Own Attributed Material. Attributed with William Angliss Institute logo or footnote. 2nd 2nd choice: Up to date URL links. 3rd 3rd choice: Creative Commons Attributed Material 4th 4th choice: Documented permission to include third party resources within William Angliss Institute material. Third party material must be attributed. Last Last choice: Attributed Material where the 10% /1 chapter rule is adhered to. The Copyright Scale of Preference

4 Alcoa set to close aluminium smelter at Point Henry near Geelong Qantas to shed almost 300 jobs as it closes its Avalon maintenance facility near Geelong Ford closure sends shockwave through manufacturing industry Australia loses last carmaker as Toyota plans exit by 2018 SPC cannery closure will affect local market, Riverland grower says

5 Protecting our own intellectual property 1) Inserting footnotes 2) Inserting watermarks 3. Inserting branding. 5

6 Nearly no problem solution Hyperlinks  Pros: 1. Up to date information. 2. Time savers. 3. Department doesn’t have to check it has gone over 10% 4. No referencing  Cons: 1. Up to date? /Link still there? ernet/?image=5 ernet/?image=5 2. Site verifiable? canadian-pirate-for-streaming-the-simpsons canadian-pirate-for-streaming-the-simpsons 6

7 Check the Terms & Conditions 7 1. Very Open Terms 2. Very Strict Terms of usage,

8 Open Licence Material Tricky Sites  Compfight  Ookaboo Easy Sites  Flickr Creative Commons mons/ mons/  Open Clip Art  Wikimedia Page  Ted talks 8

9 Great you got permission! 1. Get it in writing and document it. 2. Make sure you adhere to any restrictions. 3. Be as wide reaching in terms of the permission requirements as you can be. 4. Attribute any third party material, even if it is free. 5. Does all of the third party material belong to the person/organisation that gave you the permission? 6. Get the permission of students/guest speakers to appear in your material. 9

10 Part VB of the Copyright Act Text based 1. Books 10% or one chapter. 2. Images. Can be copied and communicated if they are part of the chapter/10%. 3. Journals/newspapers. One or two articles on the same topic. Digital based 1. Text 10% of an article on the internet. Stay away when the terms and conditions say, “no way”. 2. Images Due to the ease of cutting and pasting they are probably aren’t part of the text and cost a lot of money to use on their own. 3. Journals/newspapers. The same as hard copies. 10

11 Content Curation 1. Link back to the source site. 2. Attribute 3. Only use the pieces you need 4. Try not to take everything from the same source 5. Add your own commentary 6. If re-posting only re-post a small portion. 7. Re-title your own work. curation-copyright-ethics-fair-use/ 11

12 Resources 1. Autodesk, Pixlr Express, viewed 16 th June, 2012, 2. Australian Psychological Society, 2014, About psychologists, viewed 16 th June, 2014, 3. Compfight, 2008-2011, viewed 16 th June, 2014, 4. Deshpande, Pawan, 20 th February 2013, Content curation: Copyright, ethics and fair use, Best practices, Content curation marketing, viewed 16 th June, 2014, 5. Flickr, Explore Creative Commons, viewed 16 th June, 2014, 6. Jager, Chris, Gone but not forgotten: The best dead sites on the internet, GoodGearGuide by PCWorld Australia, viewed 16 th June, 2014, 7. McGuire, Patrick, 15 th January 2014, Fox bankrupted a 23-year-old Canadian pirate for streaming ‘The Simpsons”, Motherboard, viewed 16 th June, 2013, 8. Ookaboo: Free pictures of everything on earth, 2009, viewed 16 th June, 2014, 9. Openclipart, Home, viewed 16 th June, 2014, 10. Reilly, C. 13th June 2014, IiNet rejects “heavy-handed” three strikes policy on piracy, C/net, viewed 25th June 2014, < 11. Reuters in New York, 2014, Libraries online books database protected under ‘fair use’, court rules, The Guardian, viewed 13 th June, 2014, < 12. State Government Victoria, Home, Victorian Workcover Authority, viewed 16 th June, 2014, 13. State Government of Victoria, Sustainability Victoria, viewed 16 th June, 2014, 15. TedTalks, Ted: Ideas worth spreading, viewed 16 th June, 2014, 16. Warszawianka, 29 th Mar 2010, Tango applications internet, Openclipart, viewed 16 th June, 2014, applications-internet-by-warszawianka 17. Welcome Library London, Ketuba (marriage contract) recto, viewed 16 th June, 2014, 18. Wikipedia Commons,8 th June 2014, Main page, viewed 16 th June, 2014, 12

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