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CSE3PE: Professional Environment The Debate. A debate is “a polite verbal battle” It may be used by an individual to reach a decision or by an individual.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE3PE: Professional Environment The Debate. A debate is “a polite verbal battle” It may be used by an individual to reach a decision or by an individual."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE3PE: Professional Environment The Debate

2 A debate is “a polite verbal battle” It may be used by an individual to reach a decision or by an individual or group seeking to secure a decision from others Success or failure in life is largely determined by an ability to make wise decisions for ourselves and to secure the decisions we want from others Professional Environment2

3 History of the Debate The debate has been used as an instrument for dealing with the problems of society since Aristotle and Plato 3Professional Environment

4 Forms of Debate Debating teams Parliament Formal meetings Professional Environment4

5 Benefits of Debating Provides preparation for effective participation in a free society Offers preparation for leadership Offers opportunity for investigation and intensive analysis of significant contemporary problems Professional Environment5

6 Benefits of Debating (cont.) develops proficiency in critical thinking develops knowledge and purposeful enquiry develops an ability to make prompt analytical responses develops critical listening develops proficiency in writing is an integrator of knowledge Professional Environment6

7 Debating – How? Phrasing the debate proposition A. Controversy B. One central idea C. Neutral terms – Significant contemporary problem – Equal conflicting evidence and reasoning – Single declarative sentence – Avoidance of ambiguity Professional Environment7

8 What’s wrong with these proposition examples? There are inadequate parking facilities on campus Should our university abandon intervarsity sport? University entrance requirements should be stricter The federal income tax rate should be limited to a maximum of 25% and labour unions should be subject to antitrust laws Professional Environment8

9 Debating – How? The Sides – Affirmative presents the proposition, defines the terms (must make the interpretation clear) and states the issues – Negative can either accept the definition or offer superior ones, accept the statement of issues, revise the issues or offer additional ones Professional Environment9

10 Debating – How? Analysing the problem Defining the terms Identifying issues – claims with answers that directly prove or disprove the opposition Identifying contentions – need several to support an issue Professional Environment10

11 Debating – How? Exploring the problem Sources of material Questions to ask – Who is concerned with the proposition? – Who is interested in securing the adoption of the proposition? – Who is interested in preventing the adoption of the proposition? Professional Environment11

12 Debating – How? Organise your material 1.Evidence – facts, opinions and objects that are used to generate proof. 2.Credible evidence – sufficient evidence – clear evidence – authenticate, confirm & substantiate – statistically sound evidence Professional Environment12

13 Debating – How? Professional Environment13

14 Debating – How? Professional Environment14

15 Debating – How? Obstacles to clear thinking – unsupported assertion – are sufficient examples given? – ambiguity – loaded language Attacking and refutation – are opposition’s arguments relevant? – don’t say “this is illogical” or “ridiculous” Professional Environment15

16 Debating – How? Manner (Presentation) How argument is presented is as important as what is said Aim is to appear comfortable, convinced that the case you are presenting is the only possible view of a rational person and that you are letting the audience share your knowledge Natural, sincere, persuasive Notes should fit in the palm of your hand - A SPEECH READ OUT IS NOT A DEBATING SPEECH Don’t use “I think” when trying to prove a proposition Presumptuous to state publicly that your opinion is proof! Professional Environment16

17 Singles Debate Assessment Matter Manner Method Professional Environment17

18 References Critical Thinking: What It Is and Why It Counts (2009) files/what&why2007.pdf Freeley, A. (1986) Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making, 6 th Ed., Belmont, California: Wadsworth. Professional Environment18

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