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 Define Services ◦ At strategic level ◦ Suggest no more than 20 to 35 services ◦ Summary Details  For each Service ◦ Determine Community and Technical.

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Presentation on theme: " Define Services ◦ At strategic level ◦ Suggest no more than 20 to 35 services ◦ Summary Details  For each Service ◦ Determine Community and Technical."— Presentation transcript:



3  Define Services ◦ At strategic level ◦ Suggest no more than 20 to 35 services ◦ Summary Details  For each Service ◦ Determine Community and Technical Levels of Service ◦ Determine cost to provide the Levels of Service (10 years)  Outputs ◦ Community Levels of Service to Community ◦ Technical Levels of Service informs Asset Management Plan ◦ Cost to provide Service to Long Term Financial Plan

4 WOMBAT COUNCIL – SERVICE PLAN (SUMMARY OUTLINE) Council Plan Key Result Area Program Area Sub-Program Area (budget area) Service Xxxx Service Description and Purpose (Why do we do it?. What do we do?) Related Council Plan StrategiesKey Issues/Themes (derived From Community Feedback And Engagement, Future Demand)  (Key directions)  ? Customers Availability Accessibility Financial Management Staffing Programs Safety Legislation Competitors Infrastructure Change in demand Operations Contracts Related Planning Documents Related Policies: Current Principles for Service Delivery (the rules, guidelines, direction we abide by, utilise to deliver the service, derived from a Service Strategy, officer knowledge, other documents?) Service Hierarchy/rules of current service delivery (hierarchy name, what qualifies, what you would expect to find) Overview of Current Service Service Provider: Asset Utilized/No. Asset Providers Programs delivered Current Staffing Levels: (no. and details) Current Resources: (no. and details) Core EFTsVehicles Contract EmployeesSoftware Grant funded/ Temporary Positions Computers Trainee PositionsMobile Phones Other:

5 SERVICE PLAN ATTACHMENT NO. 1 – ANNUAL SERVICE REVIEW Service: Xxxx Review YearBy Service Provider Summary of key Customer Expectations: COMMUNITY & TECHNICAL LEVELS OF SERVICE & PERFORMANCE REVIEW Customer Expectation IndicatorCommunity Levels of ServiceTechnical Levels of Service Community Measure TargetCurrent PerformanceTechnical MeasureTarget/HierarchyCurrent Performance ACTION PLAN Identify any proposed changes to the service delivery, including staffing and resources Key Theme/IssueImprovement Opportunity/ActionResponsibilityCostTimeframeStatus

6 SERVICE PLAN ATTACHMENT NO. 2 – ANNUAL OPERATIONAL COSTS FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS Sub-Program (service) : Xxxx (Better described as a service eg “Transport “rather than asset “road”) Review YearBy Service Provider FINANCIAL RESOURCES Year 1 Budget Year 2 Budget Year 3 Budget Year 4 Budget Year 5 Budget Year 6 Budget Year 7 Budget Year 8 Budget Year 9 Budget Year 10 Budget Financial Summary: Rates Grants Commission Expenses: Employee Costs: Materials & Services Total Expenses Revenue User/Fees/Fines/Contributions Grants funding Total Revenue Total Nett Capital Year 1 Budget Year 2 Budget Year 3 Budget Year 4 Budget Year 5 Budget Year 6 Budget Year 7 Budget Year 8 Budget Year 9 Budget Year 10 Budget Expenses: Renewal: Upgrade: New: Total Expenses Revenue Total Revenue Total Net Capital Cost


8  Balance Sheet ◦ Green Field  Depreciation ◦ Green Field  Renewal Demand Calculations ◦ Brown Field

9 GreenfieldBrownfield  Strategic planning reports XX  Project scoping and investigation, valuation reports, planning approvals XX  Demolition Costs X  Disposal Costs X  Site Restoration X  Built up location costs (e.g. Traffic Management) X  Survey and design XX  Professional fees XX  Site preparation XX  Formation and Earthworks XX  Construction (excluding Formation and Earthworks) XX  Contract payments XX  Council direct costs, wages, salaries, plant hire, materials, on-costs XX  Overheads XX  Supervision XX  Transport, installation, assembly and testing XX  Project Management XX

10  For long term sustainability Councils need to ◦ Retain a positive underlying surplus over the long term  For most Councils, depreciation is amongst the largest expenditure item. ◦ Maintain the service capacity of their assets  Must retain the capacity to renew assets as they reach the end of their economic life  Renewal funding needs impact on cash flow


12  Sources ◦ Developers - Subdivision works ◦ Community Groups – “Rotary Shelters” ◦ Philanthropic Organisations – Contributions towards assets  What ◦ Transfer of physical infrastructure ◦ Contribution of funds ◦ Work “in-kind”

13  Must have good processes ◦ To recognise the asset or correctly allocate contributed funds  Assets must be capitalised ◦ Upon handover of asset ◦ Ensure all required information is obtained ◦ Require a policy (green field – balance sheet / brown field - renewal)  Funding contribution ◦ Reserve the funds for the required works ◦ List project in capital works program

14 Ian Mann Director CT Management Group Mob: 0429 941 435 CT Management Group 152 Lt Malop Street PO Box 1374 Geelong 3220 Ph: (03) 5221 2566

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