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HISTORY IN PLACE Connecting primary students with local museums through the making of short films.

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Presentation on theme: "HISTORY IN PLACE Connecting primary students with local museums through the making of short films."— Presentation transcript:

1 HISTORY IN PLACE Connecting primary students with local museums through the making of short films

2 [Name of Your Museum]  [Image of your museum]  [Information about your museum]

3 PRESERVE Keeping objects safe RESEARCH Finding out information CONSERVE Repairing objects EDUCATE Helping others learn about our history SHARE Telling stories about our history What Do Museums Do?

4 Types of Museums International Collects objects from all over the world. National Collects objects from a certain country. State Collects objects from a certain state. Themed Collects objects related to a certain theme (eg. National Sports Museum). Local Collects objects related to a certain region. Heritage Property A building or site looked after by the National Trust. Often these belonged to famous people and contain their belongings.

5 What kind of museum are you visiting today? Private Created by an individual or group and not owned by the government. Cultural Museum collects objects relating to a certain cultural group (eg. The Chinese Museum). Personal Collection You may have one of these! EG: a collection of teddy bears you keep in your bedroom.

6 Personal Collections  Do you collect anything?  What made you start collecting?  Why do you collect those particular objects?  How long have you been collecting?  Where do you store it?

7 What Makes A Good Story? ‘There was a wolf. He tried to eat some girl. The end.’ Which version of the story is better? The text or the image? Why?

8 Beasts From Below What kinds of storytelling techniques are used in this story?

9 The Dame Nellie Melba Collection melba-collection/ What kinds of storytelling techniques are used in this story?

10 Story Structure Film title Can be layered over an image of the museum or object. Shot 1 Introduce your topic using images/ text/ voice over/ interviews. Shot 2 Tell the first point of your story using images/ text/ voice over/ interviews. Shots 3, 4, 5… Continue telling your story using images/ text/ voice over/ interviews. Around 8 shots will be enough for your whole story... Credits & Acknowledgements First names of everyone who made the film. Names & titles of interviewees. Sources of images. Sources of any music.

11 Puzzle Egg Story Here’s a story made by Eleanor, one of the original project creators. Eleanor has deliberately made some mistakes in her editing. Can you identify them?

12 Are my images in focus? Is my sound clear and easy to understand? Are there smooth transitions between scenes? Does the sound link correctly to the images? Tips for Filming and Editing

13 Copyright  If you’re going to show your film to the public, it’s important to think about copyright.  If you include photographs, paintings or music, make sure that you are allowed to use them.  For music, better still, make your own!  Provide credits for images and music at the end of your film.

14 Today: the Museum Tour…

15 Then… choosing Your Topic  Which story would you like to tell?  Have your topic signed off by your group leader before you start making your storyboard.  Make sure that you are not doing the same topic or object as any other group.

16 …start Storyboarding Make sure that you plan your images and voice-over before you start editing. Have it signed-off.

17 Gather Information, Photos, Interviews & Start Editing!  Gather all your information.  Take good photos.  Record your sound track and/or interviews in a quiet space - make sure the microphone is towards the speaker.

18 Showcase  If we have time at the end of the day, we’ll come back and watch some of the draft films…

19 Resources for Extra Research Culture Victoria Melbourne Museum State Library of Victoria National Trust of Victoria

20 National Film and Sound Archive National Archives of Australia ouses/victoria.aspx ouses/victoria.aspx Trove (National Library of Australia) Heritage Council of Victoria

21 Enjoy!

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