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HOUSING TASMANIA Bringing Housing Together Forum Bernadette Jago, Director Housing Tasmania.

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Presentation on theme: "HOUSING TASMANIA Bringing Housing Together Forum Bernadette Jago, Director Housing Tasmania."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOUSING TASMANIA Bringing Housing Together Forum Bernadette Jago, Director Housing Tasmania

2 How are we faring? Different views about this The environment is changing Two years ago we were ahead of the pack in terms of the bilateral discussions with the Commonwealth All would agree that the journey has started

3 Where are we at? Established the case for change The system is unviable and unsustainable in its current form Applying new funding to the current system would result in investing in an outdated system Opportunities from the Nation Building Economic Stimulus Plan, National Rental Affordability Scheme, Housing Affordability Fund have demonstrated that the sector can respond and has capacity and a willingness to It has been a positive experience

4 Where are we at? Mixed messages from the Commonwealth in terms of the funding regime into the future No new money is likely State Budget environment is well known Significant structural reform is being progressed internally

5 Focus is now on… Continued investment in supply A number of new initiatives have flowed on through the Tasmanian Homelessness Plan Transfer of stock to the community sector A new regulatory system as a method of growth for the not-for-profit housing sector Rents Tenure Tasmanian Housing Register / Common Assessment Framework

6 Committed to… Growing the community sector Increasing the amount of stock managed by the sector, allowing leverage and new supply Releasing land Generating supply by a coordinated use of funding streams to support growth Rent + CRA + NRAS + Equity + Private Debt = NEW SUPPLY Positioning social housing within broad policy settings – planning

7 Support and Accommodation Assistance Review Moving forward to ensure our services reflect the current needs of clients and the broader Tasmanian community. This review will make sure everything is cost effective and integrated Make the system easier to access, more efficient and more responsive to a broader range of peoples needs.

8 Internally Housing Tasmania Internal review Undertaking internal reviews to maximise efficiencies to best reflect the current environment.

9 . Rollout of the capital program Transfer 35% under requirements of National Affordable Housing Agreement Implement the Tasmanian Homelessness Plan Continue to deliver the Nation Building Economic Stimulus Plan and National Rental Affordability Scheme Undertake the Support and Accommodation Assistance Review Continue to develop innovative models and partnerships with the sector Increase partnership and collaboration with the sector Where to from here…

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