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Budgeting for ARC Discovery Projects commencing in 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Budgeting for ARC Discovery Projects commencing in 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budgeting for ARC Discovery Projects commencing in 2008

2 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Introduction Martina Stiemer Management Accountant Office of Financial Services X7369 OFS Budget Officers Lokiluyana Wijesena ELS, ICS, L&P Stephanie Grollimund SCMP, Humanities, ACES Margaret Frith MGSM, EFS

3 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Overview

4 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Purpose of Discovery Grants Support excellent fundamental research by individuals and teams Assist researchers to undertake their research in conditions most conducive to achieving best results Expand Australia's knowledge base and research capability Encourage research training in high-quality research environments

5 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Eligibility Criteria All CIs, PIs and ARC Fellows nominated on a Proposal must satisfy the eligibility criteria for their nominated role. Con-current projects (section Funding Rules) Researcher roles (section 5.1 Funding Rules) Chief Investigator Partner Investigator ARC Fellows Cross-scheme eligibility (section 6 Funding Rules)

6 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Application Process Application process 5pm Monday 18 December 2006Eligibility Rulings Requests 5pm Friday 9th February 2007Receipt of applications to MQ Research Office Mid June 2007Assessments available for written rejoinder Late June 2007Due date for one-page rejoinders August 2007Assessment of applications for funding October/November 2007Ministerial approval of funding recommendations and applicants advised of outcome

7 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Application Process Changes from last year (Handout) –2 concurrent Discovery projects GAMS Part C Budgets (Handout)

8 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Funding Projects are funded between $20,000 - $500,000 per calendar year Projects can be funded for 1 to 5 years ARC Fellowships (AFR, QE11 and APF) are funded according to ARC salary scales and normally for 5 years APDs are normally awarded for 3 years but a 4 year research/teaching option is available

9 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 ARC Funding - Allowable Personnel (salaries and on-costs) ARC Fellowships Research Associates, technicians and laboratory attendants Postgraduate stipends with an ARC contribution Teaching relief for Chief Investigators only (must be fully justified, and will be a special condition of grant) Equipment Maintenance Travel

10 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 ARC Funding – Non Allowable Capital works and general infrastructure Salaries of Chief Investigators and Partner Investigators General Teaching or Teaching Relief Special Studies Programs Research support for Partner Investigators Tuition Fees – International, HECS or HELP Computer Facilities for molecular analysis Costs not directly related to a project

11 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 ARC Funding – Non Allowable Basic Facilities Accommodation Access to workshop services Film and music editing facilities Access to basic library Standard reference materials/abstracting services Provision of computers and laptops and basic facilities such as printers, standard software (except for high performance computers or specialized applications) Use of telephones, fax, photocopiers, email, internet, mail Publication Costs Including printing and page costs

12 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Direct Expenses ARC is seeking full costing information –To enhance transparency and accountability –To help determine the actual contributions to be paid by the ARC and the other parties. Direct costs = all costs required to complete the project

13 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Direct Expenses Personnel (ARC Funded) ARC salary scales –No increments, assumed to start 1 January –Fellowships Options for 3 year or 4 year research / teaching –Phd Stipends Flat rate

14 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Direct Expenses Personnel (MQ Funded) –Based on MQ salary rates (include increments) –Oncost rate used is 28% –If personnel will be paid by partner or other University base salary cost on partner organisation/other university salary scales

15 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Direct Expenses Salary Applicable salary rate x time fraction x 1+ on-cost rate = Total Salary Cost Eg. Level B.2 in 2008, time fraction on project is 30%, on-cost rate is 28% 55,000 x 0.3 x 1.28 = $21,120 Casuals Estimate a full-time equivalent time fraction if employed for a lengthy period and calculate as above for salaries. Eg. 3 days per week for 26 weeks FTE = 3/5 * 26/52 = 0.6 x 0.5 = 0.3 Can use an hourly rate if employed for a short time Eg. $50 x 70 hours x 1.28 = $4,480

16 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Direct Expenses Presentation of Salaries in GAMS Salary costs are entered into Part C of GAMS applications in standard format: Position Title – Surname - Level @ Time Fraction + oncosts Examples: CI – O’Neil – LB.1 @ 0.3 FTE +28% oncosts Research Assistant HEW5.2 @ 0.5 FTE +28% oncosts Research Associate LA.8 @ 0.5 FTE +28% oncosts

17 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Direct Expenses Teaching Relief Only CIs are eligible Rate is $32,972 for maximum 6 months (pro rate if requesting less than 6 months) Example Position Title – Surname – Length of Teaching Relief CI – O’Neil – 6 months

18 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Direct Expenses Equipment Hardware and software items greater than $1000 Include cost ex GST and any installation costs Base price on latest prices (avoid guestimates) If you require large costly pieces of equipment consider applying for an ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities Grant (LIEF)

19 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Direct Expenses Maintenance Consumables and equipment less than $1000 Don’t include computer equipment or data entry personnel in this category, use equipment or personnel

20 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Direct Expenses Travel –List costs clearly –include number of travellers, origin and destination, airfares, accommodation, daily allowances, field expense etc. Example: Sydney – Melbourne x 2 return trips x 4 project staff airfares Accommodation x 9 nights Meals & incidentals allowances 4 x 10 days @ 70 per day Travel to field site - Km allowance @52cents/km x 800kms Sydney – New York x 1 return airfare Accommodation x 9 nights Meal & incidentals allowance 10 days @ 150 per day

21 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Direct Expenses Other –Any other direct costs that can’t be placed into categories listed above. –Eg Conference registration, translation services GST –Quote costs exclusive of GST. –GST does not apply to the ARC funds transferred directly from the ARC. –GST on external purchases are not charged to individual grant accounts.

22 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Indirect Expenses Infrastructure – university charge not applicable to ARC Grant funds In-kind –– non-cash contributions to project Indirect –Estimate of infrastructure costs for full costing purposes –Calculation based on academic salaries Level A and above. Do not include General Staff –Multiplier 1.25 Lab based research 0.92 Non-Lab based research

23 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Indirect Expenses Standard format for presenting costs Position Title – Surname - Level @ Time Fraction + oncosts x multiplier Eg. CI – O’Neil – LB.1 @ 0.3 FTE +28% oncosts x 1.25 Research Associate LA.8 @ 0.5 FTE +28% oncosts x 1.25

24 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Justification Explain why cost is required and what benefit it brings to the research project. Break down justification under budget headings ie. –Personnel –Teaching Relief –Equipment –Maintenance –Travel –Other

25 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Justification ARC funded items (max 2 A4 pages) Personnel – why is specific person/level of expertise required? Fellowships –why is a full-time commitment to project required or why has a teaching/research option been chosen? Teaching relief –why is relief required to achieve a successful project outcome? Major equipment –Why is it required? –Why is equipment not able to be accessed elsewhere and/or why is existing equipment not suitable? –Describe how it will be used and provide details of manufacturer, supplier, cost and installation based on quotations. Actual quotations do not need to be attached to application. Travel – what is the purpose of the travel?

26 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Justification Non-ARC Contributions (max 1 A4 page) How will University and other partner organisation contribution support the project. If Partner Investigators are listed explain their contribution to the project.

27 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Resources ARC Funding Rules ARC Instructions to Applicants MQ Salary Rates ATO 05/06 reasonable travel rates

28 Worked Example

29 Questions

30 ARC Discovery Projects commening 2008 Budgeting Contacts Divisional Finance Officers OFS Budget Officers Lokiluyana Wijesena x7240 ELS, ICS, L&P Stephanie Grollimund x7264 SCMP, Humanities, ACES Margaret Frith x7210 MGSM, EFS

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