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Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Project PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE Briefing for Industry & Science Organisations Tuesday 14 th August Wellington.

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Presentation on theme: "Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Project PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE Briefing for Industry & Science Organisations Tuesday 14 th August Wellington."— Presentation transcript:

1 Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Project PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE Briefing for Industry & Science Organisations Tuesday 14 th August Wellington

2 Chairman’s welcome John Houlker, NZTE SKA project update (Jonathan Kings, MBIE) PEP work packages (Michelle Storey, CSIRO) Australian PEP funding (David Luchetti, DIISRTE) NZ perspective (Howard Markland - MBIE) Engagement opportunities (Melanie Johnston-Hollitt – VUW) Question & answer session Duration:09:00 – 12:00

3 Organisations Involved

4 SKA project update Jonathan Kings, MBIE NZ Project Director

5 SKA project status 9 SKA Organisation members (New Zealand, Australia, S. Africa, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Italy, China, Canada, Sweden) Bid evaluation process

6 Dual-Site Solution Shared infrastructure –Australia gets low-frequency aperture array & survey telescope (extended ASKAP) –S. Africa gets mid-frequency infrastructure Best available outcome for A-NZ bid Effectively a 50:50 split for Phase I (by value) No plan for infrastructure in New Zealand

7 Project Timeline & Phases

8 Current Activity Pre-construction Phase underway Detailed planning & engineering design €90 million budget Led by SKA Project Office (Manchester) Funded by participating consortia SKA Project Office Project Execution Plan (PEP) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Developing policies –industry engagement –procurement –intellectual property

9 PEP work packages Michelle Storey, CSIRO

10 SKA Pre-construction Workpackage structure CSIRO ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCE SKA pre-construction briefings 6-14 August 2012

11 Structure of pre-construction work Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) being developed by SKA Office with substantial input from the international community. Draft released to research partners May 2012. SKA Office now working on a new version of the WBS, to incorporate results of the site selection Possible that workpackages will stay the same, though their internal structure might be different Stage 1 to take system to system requirements review WBS for Stage 2 will be developed during/after Stage 1 Stage 2 to reach construction-ready contracts

12 Presentation title | Presenter name | Page 12 Workpackages led by the SKA Office Five workpackages led by the SKA Office – Science – Project Management – System engineering to System Requirements Review – Power – Site and infrastructure There may be some direct contracts available Integrated Task Teams will be established for cross- cutting areas

13 Presentation title | Presenter name | Page 13 Consortia-led workpackages  Note that Site and Infrastructure and Power may be led by the SKA Office

14 Dishes (including Phased Array Feed and Wide Band Single Pixel Feed) CSIRO ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCE

15 Dish Array – Scope The work package (preconstruction) covers all of the tasks necessary to plan for the development, construction, delivery and operation of the Dish Arrays for SKA1 on both SKA sites (SA and AUS), including. Dishes Structure - Pedestal, reflector, mount, … Performance Verification/Qualification Operations - Support, maintenance, logistics Octave Band Single Pixel Feed (OBSPF) Feed – Cryostat, Low Noise Amplifiers, … Receiver - Amplification, signal transport, digitisation, … Elements of the Advanced Instrumentation Program (AIP) Phased Array Feed (PAF) – Feed, receiver and signal processing Wide Band Single Pixel Feed (WBSPF) – Feed, receiver and signal processing Stage 1 work to input to systems requirements review

16 Dish Array – Possible Consortium partners Australia South Africa Canada China Sweden Consortium Management Phased Array Feed (PAF) and associated dish optics Receivers – Single pixel and PAF System Engineering Single Pixel Feeds (SPF) Dish – Optics, mechanical Phased Array Feed (PAF) Receivers – PAF Dish – Composite reflectors Dish – Optics, mechanical design Wide Band Single Pixel receivers (WBSPF) Dish Wide Band Single Pixel receivers (WBSPF)

17 Low-frequency Aperture Arrays CSIRO ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCE

18 SKA1_Low deliverables and potential partners Covers development requirements and design of SKA1-low at Australian site 70 -<= 450 MHz located entirely in Australia All-electronic telescope No moving parts. Functionality defined by ICT capability (investment) Stage 1 PEP involves: Development and verification work in lead-up to System Requirements Review Performance and cost trade-offs via advanced system modelling Strong interactions with pathfinder (LOFAR,...) and precursor (MWA) telescopes Science input to SKA System Engineering process Planning of Stage 2 Consortium is likely to be led by ASTRON, NL Current partners include ICRAR, INAF, UK (Camb, Oxf, Man) + 5 others (Australian Inputs coordinated via ICRAR)


20 Science Data Processor WP SDP responsible for turning output of beamformers and correlators into final science products i.e. images, cubes, catalogs Challenges Highly dependent on Concept of Operations Very tightly coupled to Telescope Manager Vast data flow High Performance Computing vital (10s Petaflops to 10s Exaflops) Power consumption for HPC Algorithms for calibrating and imaging not yet sufficiently scalable Three different telescope designs, two different sites, globally data distribution to regional centers and end-users. High risk work package Coupling to Telescope Manager Scales of data, processing, complexity very high 20

21 21 SDP consortium Most likely consortium is led by U Cambridge, UK Australia: CSIRO, ICRAR, U Melbourne NZ: TBD Others South Africa: SKA team UK: UCambridge, OERC, STFC (Daresbury), UManchester Netherlands: ASTRON (Dome project, IBM) Spain: IAA Canada: CADC/cyberSKA Germany: MPIfR Discussions with industry partners: IBM, Intel, CISCO Consortium policy under review Good coverage of required capabilities Some weakness on operational aspects of large scale facilities

22 Thank you CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science CSIRO ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCE We acknowledge the Wajarri Yamatji people as the traditional owners of the Observatory site.

23 Australian PEP Funding David Luchetti (DIISRTE, Australia)

24 PEP business plan draw on various resources SKA Office to lead several work-packages - funded through a central fund Other work-packages to be allocated to consortia - partly funded by member governments directly Likely consortia already forming – significant global interest Opportunities for new entrants –Linking to existing consortia a good option Pre-construction - business plan

25 Pre-construction Phase Relevance Conventional contracting likely to be limited R&D partnership the main opportunity SKA may be a watching brief for some - with specific contracting opportunities several years away R&D partnership – why?: –Positioning for downstream supply opportunities –Building expertise/capability –Reputational benefits

26 Support the SKA project Support take up of Australian IP & expertise Co-investment (not fully-funded participation) In-kind co-investment OK Co-Investment Funding - Objectives

27 Components for Major & Minor consortia partners Major partner component focussed on high priority work-packages DIISRTE will ‘pre-qualify’ organisations for SKA RfP Winners funded directly by DIISRTE – accountable for their contribution to a work-package Co-investment funds to leverage partnering opportunities Co-Investment Funding – Program Structure

28 Co-investment Funding– Partnering facilitation Consortia struggling to use earlier EoI information Strategic, targeted EoI process to cut through to consortia lead organisations

29 Co-investment Funding – Funds distribution STAGE ONE – 2012-2013 STAGE TWO – 2014-2016 Funding Major participant:15% of funding Minor participant: 5% of funding Number of Grants (Approx.) Major participant: 2-3 grants Minor participant: 8-12 grants Value of Grants (Approx.) Major participant: $0.5-1 million Minor participant: $100K Funding Major participant: 60% of funding Minor participant: 20% of funding Number of Grants (Approx.) Major participant: 2-3 grants Minor participant: 8-12 grants Value of Grants (Approx.) Major Participant: $3-7 million Minor participant: $250K to $500K

30 Co-investment Funding – Key steps & dates - Industry briefings in a number of capital cities (Sydney, Perth. Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Wellington) Start of August - Expression of interest to gather information for A-NZ register. - Notification of final A-NZ program arrangements August through ASKAIC, stakeholder networks, ICN etc. - DIISRTE facilitate partnering opportunities - Consortium formation - DIISRTE invites proposals for ‘pre-qualification’ for A-NZ funding support - DIISRTE assess proposals and advise applicants (negotiating a pre-qualification agreement where necessary) - SKAO issues Request for Proposals to conduct Stage 1 pre-construction WPs 14 October - Responses to the SKAO RfP - Responses assessed and recommendations made to the SKA Board for final decision on allocation of WP. Late January Decision at Q1 SKAO Board meeting. - Finalisation of funding agreements (SKAO/funding agencies and DIISRTE /funding recipients. By March 2013 - Consortia begin work – March 2013 JULY–AUGUST 2012SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2012 OCTOBER 2012 - JANUARY 2013 JANUARY-MARCH 2013 Step 4 Finalise funding agreements Step 1 Stakeholder engagement Step 2 Pre-qualification Step 3 SKAO Request for Proposals

31 NZ Perspective Howard Markland - MBIE

32 Relationships

33 Funding New Zealand’s pledge: –NZ$1.6 million (~10% of Australia’s commitment) –dedicated to the 3-year Pre-construction Phase –in-kind contribution Purpose of funding is to support: –the SKA project –capability & participation of NZ science & industry –A-NZ reputation

34 Allocation Process Under Development –mechanism, criteria, responsibilities etc. –will not be inconsistent with the Australian model (see ‘Minor Participant’ category) Process will be: –appropriate for the funding available –transparent, inclusive & defensible –subject to technical peer review –consistent with ANZSCC objectives

35 Requirements for Applicants Basic requirements: –relevant & internationally acknowledged capability –sufficient resource to ‘deliver’ –able to meet co-funding obligations ($ or in kind) Engagement process: –link to an established consortium –satisfy pre-qualification requirements –monitor opportunities –apply for funding

36 New Zealand Science & Industry Opportunities John Houlker (NZ Trade & Enterprise)

37 Science & Industry Opportunities Help build New Zealand science and industry collaboration (initial step SDP-NZ) Access to networks of high-technology research and development groups Leverage SKA Industry Cluster connections Capability building and investment prospects Goal to secure opportunities for New Zealand science and industry to participate and build capability in the development of the leading-edge technology the SKA requires.

38 Science & Industry Opportunities Connection opportunities with major high- technology Multi-National Corporations –MNCs seeking to be “Primes” and lead technology developers –Build IP relationships, paths to market, capability & maturity in engagement with MNCs. Pilot project technology development and testing possibilities.

39 NZ Engagement Melanie Johnston-Hollitt – VUW

40 NZ involvement in SKA Murchison Wide Field Array (full partner - VUW lead institution) ASKAP surveys (VUW, UoC, AUT)

41 NZ involvment in PEP Placeholder group ‘NZ-SDP’ joined Cambridge-led consortium for the SDP WP: –Administrative lead – John Houler, Science and Industry leads Melanie Johnston-Hollitt, Dougal Watt –Gave likley initial interest to Cambridge –Consulted community, requested EoI’s from community –Auckland, AUT + Massey + Otago, VUW + IRL + IBM –National EoI to be submitted to Cambridge / ANZSCC –Pre-qualification/ peer review step required for funding MBIE to clarify process from here No funding support at present, limited funding support going forward.

42 NZ involvment in PEP Immediate next steps ‘NZ-SDP’ national EoI to be finalised – still chance to get involved. –Current submissions were around cloud computing, data pipeline and algorithm development. –Strong interest to use MWA involvement at platform for SDP verification (real time imaging and calibration, pipelines, algorithms), hybrid correlators and low frequency science.

43 Summary Lots of moving parts: –changing work-packages –evolving work-package consortia –SDP-NZ interest in Cambridge University consortium –A-NZ collaboration arrangement –A & NZ pre-qualification & funding arrangements –SKA Organisation policies –MED & MSI amalgamation (MBIE)………….etc. There will be opportunities for NZ engagement Limited funding support No free lunch Stay engaged to follow developments

44 Key Contacts NEW ZEALAND Science NZ SKA Research & Development Consortium Melanie Johnston-Hollitt (Victoria University of Wellington) Tel: +64 4 463 6543 Email: Industry NZ SKA Industry Consortium John Houlker (NZ Trade & Enterprise) Tel: +64 4 816 8216 Email: Government Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment Howard Markland Tel: 64 4 474 2981 Email: Howard.Markland AUSTRALIA Science CSIRO Dr Carole Jackson Tel: +61 2 9372 4407 Email: Industry Australasian SKA Industry Consortium John Humphreys Tel: +61 7 5474 5164 Email: Government Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Technology Mike Bryson Tel: +61 2 6276 1120 Email: SKA Organisation website: anzSKA website: www.ska.govt.nzanzSKA website:

45 Any Questions ?

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