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Royal Queensland Golf Club.  Players obtain a personalised competition card which contains details of the specific course in use, tee times, competition.

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Presentation on theme: "Royal Queensland Golf Club.  Players obtain a personalised competition card which contains details of the specific course in use, tee times, competition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Royal Queensland Golf Club

2  Players obtain a personalised competition card which contains details of the specific course in use, tee times, competition type, Name and handicap.  Club can change course details such as indexes and not have to reprint thousands of cards.

3  The card system calculates count backs automatically along with rank order.  Club can use hole by hole scoring data for future course reindexing.

4  Members can obtain competition results from the website after a competition has closed. More details are viewable such as hole by hole scoring and grade separation leader boards.

5  The club can process closing competitions faster.  Member scoring statistical information is updated automatically to MiScore on the website. This provides players with hole by hole, round by round playing statistics.

6  Players are able to view a live leader board in the club house once cards are scanned making for an exciting environment at the end of a round.


8  Golf Auto Score Registration is located on the Proshop Counter.  Players can enter their member number or Swipe their member card at touch screen and then select which competition they wish to play.  Your personalized scorecard will then be printed out.

9  Check that the card matches your name and event that you are playing in. If not ask the Proshop to re-print you a card with your details.  Check that the handicap is correct. If not, please clearly cross is out and enter the handicap in with your initials.

10  As the marker of a card, write in your name under the players name on the card. (Preferable to use a pencil to enter scores/names) Do Not use a red pen!  Fold the card only in the middle – the card has a fold line already. (please try to prevent folding the card in other areas.

11  While on the course, mark your score in the traditional manner. (Leave the lotto style number marking after you have completed the game and confirmed the scores for each hole with the player).  Prevent marking the card in the top left red sections of the card as it may cause false readings.

12  Mark the gross score for each hole with a vertical line through the red dot for each hole (|) keeping within the circle as below.

13  If you make an error on the number marking section simply place an (x) cross through the incorrect number and mark the correct one.  If your unlucky enough to score greater than 10, mark the 10 and the corresponding digit i.e. 11 score will be 10 + 1  If you do not complete a hole or pickup, mark the (p) on the corresponding hole.

14  Double check the card by matching the written score to the marked number for all 18 holes.  Enter the Gross score in the top right section of the card and Nett score if applicable.  Ensure you (the marker) and the player have both signed the card (on the back) before handing it in.

15  Golf Auto Score Scanning is located adjacent to the Golf Service Centre counter.  Sign your Card on the back.  Place your completed card Face Down, Local Rules end first in the scanner. The scanner will then scan your card.

16  Your Hole by Hole Score will then appear on the touch screen.  Any errors on the card will be represented by a red box against the hole.  To correct the score use the keyboard to enter the correct STROKE score for the hole.  After all holes are corrected touch ‘Update’  Your score will then be displayed on the screen. If this is correct your finished.

17  If the score displayed is not correct, please use ‘modify’ to change any scores necessary.  If the score is still not correct, please check you have allocated your handicap shots correctly.  If your card does not scan, please report to the pro shop for assistance.  If card is torn or wet, please give to staff to enter in scores manually instead.

18  Don’t try and rub out mistakes in the red lotto area. Place a cross through the wrong score and mark the correct score instead.  Fill out the gross score (red lotto area) once you have confirmed the scores with your playing partner after the completion of the game. This will reduce marking an incorrect score.

19  Check that all scores for each hole are marked in the (red lotto area) for each hole including wiped holes by marking (P) which stands for “pickup”.  Write the players “nett” score in the top right corner of the card.

20  Avoid writing in the top left hand area of the card which contains bar code information.  Player and Marker to Sign the back of the card

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