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The MH-CoPES Framework The MH-CoPES Framework has been developed, tested and refined by the NSW Consumer Advisory Group – Mental Health Inc. in partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "The MH-CoPES Framework The MH-CoPES Framework has been developed, tested and refined by the NSW Consumer Advisory Group – Mental Health Inc. in partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 The MH-CoPES Framework The MH-CoPES Framework has been developed, tested and refined by the NSW Consumer Advisory Group – Mental Health Inc. in partnership with the Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Office, NSW Department of Health A presentation for mental health services [ INSERT Area / Local Health District logo / name here ]

2 The MH-CoPES Framework Mental Health - Consumer Perceptions and Experiences of Services

3 Presentation outline  The whole MH-CoPES Framework  The MH-CoPES Questionnaires  The 4 steps of the MH-CoPES Framework  The Benefits of MH-CoPES  MH-CoPES Resources  [INSERT Local Health District return rates]  [INSERT Local Health District summary of implementation plan]

4 The MH-CoPES Framework

5 The Framework in practice An MH-CoPES Questionnaires is offered:  To every consumer using public adult mental health services in NSW  Face to Face  At least every discharge / transfer (& annually for long stay consumers)  Consumers can be supported to complete the Questionnaire by staff, Consumer Workers, family and friends

6 The Framework in practice The Questionnaires are opened & scanned into a computer by an external agency  InforMH analyses the quantitative data  Trained consumers*analyse the qualitative data (written answers)  This data is used to produce MH-CoPES Reports * Employed by NSW CAG

7 The Framework in practice An MH-CoPES Report is produced for:  NSW Health  Each Area / Local Health Network  Each community & inpatient service Using their report each of the above:  Identify ‘3 strengths’ & ‘3 areas for improvement’  Advertise to current consumers & staff: The ’3 strengths’ & ‘3 areas for improvement’ Ways to get involved in the Step 4 Action and Change

8 The Framework in practice NSW Health, each Area Health Service & each Community & Inpatient Service:  Develop with current consumers & staff a minimum of 1 strategy for each of the 3 ‘areas for improvement’ Strategies are:  Advertised to current consumers and staff  Reviewed with each new MH-CoPES Report

9 Examples of Action and Change which consumers and staff have developed together 1. MH-CoPES Report revealed ‘Improvement needed to information provided’ 2. MH-CoPES Report revealed ‘Improvement needed to rights and responsibilities information’ ACTION: Move the information stand to a more accessible location for all consumers ACTION: A working party of staff and consumers developed ‘What Now?’ booklet; provided on admission at all inpatient and community services

10 Example without a final conclusion 1.MH-CoPES Report revealed ‘There are not enough doctors’ What to do when a solution cannot be found  Communicate to consumers What cannot be changed & WHY That something may take a long time & ask for patience The things you are changing & what improvements to look out for That it is important they continue to evaluate their service ACTION: Staff and consumers worked together to write a letter to NSW Health around their shared concerns

11 The Benefits of MH-CoPES ‘Consumer participation’

12 The Benefits of MH-CoPES ‘Consumers evaluate their own services’

13 The Benefits of MH-CoPES ‘Consumers and staff decide service improvements together’

14 The Benefits of MH-CoPES ‘Closer working relationships between staff and consumers’

15 The Benefits of MH-CoPES ‘Transparent and accountable services’

16 The Benefits of MH-CoPES ‘Achieving performance indicators’ National Health Performance Framework Increasing ‘responsiveness’ of services to consumers ‘involving consumers in decision making’ EQuIP 1.6: committed to consumer participation 1.6.1: input is sought from consumers.. in the planning, delivery and evaluation of services 2.1.1: Quality improvement system demonstrates commitment to improving outcomes of care and service delivery

17 The Benefits of MH-CoPES ‘Better services Better outcomes ’

18 MH-CoPES Resources  Poster  Consumer sheet  MH-CoPES Newsletter

19 MH-CoPES Resources  Promotion Posters  Feedback poster templates  Manual of guidelines  DVD  Training materials Presentations (with guidance notes) What is Action & change? How to do Action & Change?

20 Download MH-CoPES Resources Click on the MH-CoPES button On the MH-CoPES Resources page, click on the resources to download them

21 [ INSERT Area / Local Health District logo / name here ] CONTACT [ INSERT MH-CoPES service / unit champion Name Email Phone]

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