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Sophisticated and productive tools for higher education: Web 2.0 Tim Murphy - Director of IT Learning Centers & Technologies Metta Lash – Reference Librarian.

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Presentation on theme: "Sophisticated and productive tools for higher education: Web 2.0 Tim Murphy - Director of IT Learning Centers & Technologies Metta Lash – Reference Librarian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sophisticated and productive tools for higher education: Web 2.0 Tim Murphy - Director of IT Learning Centers & Technologies Metta Lash – Reference Librarian Vani Murthy -Library Technical Services Manager Office of Information Technology Montgomery College, MD

2 How can we benefit from the Web 2.0 revolution - From simple tools that allow groups to communicate to combining databases that produce an entirely new product. Social networking, wikis, blogs, RSS feeds, videoblogs, and extensive use of multimedia are changing the way we process and use information.

3 Overview Web 2.0 – what it is Why we should even care about this Why we should be using Web 2.0 How your institution can explore this technology Our coveted list of popular & useful Web 2.0 tools

4 Higher Education Institutions Facing same traditional challenges as today: Knowledge Management Communication/ Marketing Academic, student services Empowering employees/ enhancing productivity

5 So what is different? Current students and future employees are changing: Silent Generation1925 - 194266 - 82 Baby Boomers1943 - 196048 - 65 Thirteenth (Gen. X)1961 - 198127 - 47 Millennial (Gen. Y)1982 - ?18 - 26 Generation Y – Millennials: Different Expectations about delivery of Services Skill set is different How they process information is different

6 Who are these Millennials? 75 million people (36% of total population). Almost as large but far more diverse than the Baby Boom generation (31% identify themselves as minority) Technology natives/ Never knew a time without computers Their communication and technology use habits are independent of the device - willingness to browse and IM on the PC, on a smart phone, on their shoe if it is enabled. They consider technology to be mobile. Time shifting their interactions with information and communication.

7 “Continuous Partial Attention" Millennial Generation: Expect communication exchanges to be collaborative and participative Expect the ability to customize their technology environment Want and expect 24/7 services Do not want to JUST be consumers of information—want to create and share information Want integration between tools—very little time to waste Stone, Linda. - Linda Stone

8 Potential Impact of Millennials on the Institution: Provide information and services when and where they need it Use the tools and medium of communication they prefer Respect their need for time, collaborative work habits, and interactive ways of communicating Use new and emerging technologies—often referred to as Web 2.0 tools.

9 Why Should We Care? Millennials are our future customers In 6 years, they’re our workforce They’re embracing Web 2.0 tools now – In the millions – How passionate are they about this?

10 “I just can’t be a college student without Facebook”

11 What other brands have this kind of loyalty? Heroin? Michael Arrington’s Response -

12 This is a permanent change We cannot unscramble the egg This is probably not a revolution but evolution

13 Tim O'reilly -

14 Web 2.0 is: …and Hundreds of Thousands of others…

15 Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0 Web 1.0: Top Down Reading Push One way Taxonomies Owning Web 2.0: Bottom Up Writing Pull Two Way/Many Way/Multi Way Tags Sharing Just to name a few

16 Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0 From Dion HInchcliffe’s Blog - web1vsweb2.png

17 Web 2.0 The web as platform to deliver software services provide services independent of device provide a rich dynamic, interactive experience Software that gets better the more people use it

18 The Web is social and collaborative: Proliferation of online communities, chat rooms, and social networks sharing everything from thoughts to bookmarks to music to photos Collaborative writing—not just reading but writing rich content as well Web 2.0

19 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Web 2.0 approach Collect - wikis, blogs Organize - tagging Discover - search and retrieve Share – RSS feeds

20 COMMUNICATION / MARKETING Web 2.0 approach Improve communication both horizontal and vertical – Between team and project members – Communicating effectively with clients Allow users to communicate with each other Improve customer service and enhance customer relations Discovery of information no longer limited to email and print

21 ACADEMIC STUDENT SERVICES Web 2.0 approach Instant, synchronous exchange of information Digital Reference Virtual Advising Institutional or service presence in Facebooks/MySpace

22 Empowering employees/ Enhancing productivity Web 2.0 approach Efficient use of available time

23 Do all Institutions need a Web 2.0 strategy? Not a revolution--It is a gradual transformation with easy to use tools without much structure, which allow interaction, collaboration, sharing, and content creation

24 Your School on iTunes

25 iTunes U – Penn State

26 Knowledge Management – Institutional Tagging

27 Communication/Marketing

28 Customer Service - School Wide Blogging

29 Academic Student Services Blog

30 Podcasting

31 Academic Student Services – Virtual Advising

32 Empowering Employees

33 Top Ten List Google gmail, reader, widgets, tool, docs, igoogle, etc. YouTube MySpace/Facebook RSS - Feedburner

34 Top Ten List Wiki – PBwiki Blogs – Blogger Bloglines Podcasting (front end)-iTunes Podcasting (back end)– Audacity IM – Meebo

35 Web 3.0?

36 IT’s Place in Web 2.0 Are we passive or active in this change scenario? Do we have a plan? Is this part of our future?

37 Questions? Metta Lash Tim Murphy Vani Murthy Complete bibliography and list of interesting projects at: Montgomery College – Office of Information Technology – Maryland

38 Copyright © 2008 Copyright Montgomery College, 2008. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

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