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Data Analysis With Technology AB 430 Principal Training Program October 22, 2007 Office of Assessment, Evaluation, & Accountability (OAEA) Presenters:

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Presentation on theme: "Data Analysis With Technology AB 430 Principal Training Program October 22, 2007 Office of Assessment, Evaluation, & Accountability (OAEA) Presenters:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Analysis With Technology AB 430 Principal Training Program October 22, 2007 Office of Assessment, Evaluation, & Accountability (OAEA) Presenters: Stephanie Schneider, Ph.D.

2 Agenda Participant choice of topics— Collaborative Data Inquiry process CDE website –Data and Statistics DataQuest Ed-Data Just For the Kids website ( Wrap up— Helpful hints from a frequent user Other Education Offices of Interest Q and A

3 Before looking at the data, some key terms/concepts to keep in mind…

4 Group data The online resources presented today are for grouped data only: -State -County -District -School -No Individual Student data

5 What does it mean to disaggregate the data? Disaggregate—to separate into component parts i.e. disaggregate demographic data Language fluency, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Socio-economically Disadvantaged Status, Special Education Status, etc… What is referred to as SUBGROUP DATA. Why do we disaggregate the data? Allows for better monitoring of whether students of differing language fluency, gender, race/ethnicity, socio-economic levels, etc… are mastering the essential student outcomes.

6 Collaborative Data Inquiry

7 Collaborative Data Inquiry Three-Step Process 1.ENGAGING all in the process 2.EXPLORING data together 3.ENACTING next steps …While avoiding ‘foreclosure’ and inviting multiple options

8 Example – EL Students in O.C. Stage 1: Engaging What are your predictions? What are your assumptions? (The two are NOT equivalent!)

9 Example – EL Students in O.C. Stage 2: Exploring What ‘pops out’? What is surprising? What patterns or trends do you see? “Just the Facts!”

10 Source: California Department of Education

11 Example – EL Students in O.C. Stage 3: Enacting What additional data sources do you need? What are ‘some’ possible explanations? What solutions are possible? How will we know if we have succeeded?

12 Source: California Department of Education


14 Collaborative Data Inquiry Keys to Success 1.Clear charts (bar charts, line graphs) 2. Uncouple predictions & assumptions 3. Allow for mixed backgrounds

15 California Department of Education (CDE)

16 California Department of Education (CDE) (homepage)

17 CDE—Data and Statistics DataQuest

18 CDE—DataQuest

19 CDE—DataQuest (cont’d) Select the (1) Level you want State, County, District, School, … Select the (2) Subject you want School Performance, Test Scores, Student Demographics, School Staffing…  Create your own report Click on the “Submit” button

20 CDE—DataQuest (cont’d) Let’s do searches together for data you are interested in. Any requests/suggestions?

21 DataQuest – “Create Your Own Report”

22 CDE—Ed-Data Ed-Data

23 CDE—Ed-Data (cont’d)

24 CDE—Ed-Data (cont’d) George Washington Carver Elementary

25 Just For the Kids— California

26 Just For the Kids (homepage)

27 What Does the JFTK- CA System Do? Gives easy access to data Provides analysis by grade, content area, and strand Identifies the 10 highest performing similar schools Provides insights on where to improve and how.

28 (School Summary)

29 (Select Comparable Criteria)

30 Accountability Best Practices Change Process

31 Printing Tips  Print preview Portrait or Landscape Orientation Tweak your margins  Print, Page Range, Selection ***Demonstration with STAR CST Report*** Helpful hints from a frequent user

32 Other Education Offices of Interest Orange County Dept of Education (OCDE) Office of Assessment, Evaluation, & Accountability (OAEA) US Dept of Education (ED)

33 Thank you for your time! Please take a few minutes to let me know what you thought of my presentation. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Questions?

34 Contact Information Office of Assessment, Evaluation, & Accountability (OAEA) Orange County Department of Education 200 Kalmus Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92628 Stephanie H. Schneider, Ph.D. Coordinator or (714) 966-4268 Tran T. Dang, M.A. Evaluation Manager or (714) 966-4164

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