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Biblical Israel I 1. The Tanakh 2. The Torah: –Definition –Fundamental elements –Origins (Who were the Israelites?) –God of the Torah 3. Text study: covenant.

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Presentation on theme: "Biblical Israel I 1. The Tanakh 2. The Torah: –Definition –Fundamental elements –Origins (Who were the Israelites?) –God of the Torah 3. Text study: covenant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biblical Israel I 1. The Tanakh 2. The Torah: –Definition –Fundamental elements –Origins (Who were the Israelites?) –God of the Torah 3. Text study: covenant

2 TaNaKH תנ " ך T = Torah N = Neviim (Prophets) K = Ketuvim (Writings) ת תורה נ נביאים כ(ך) כתובים

3 TORAH From the root meaning teach, instruct (old-fashioned translation: The Law) Five books (Humash = Pentateuch): 1. GenesisBereishit (In the beginning) 2. ExodusShemot (These are the names) 3. LeviticusVa-yikra (And God called) 4. Numbers Ba-midbar (In the desert) 5. Deuteronomy Devarim (These are the words)

4 Divisions within the Torahs books Each book divided into sections or paragraphs (NOT chapter and verse!) Also divided into weekly readings (parshiyot, sing. parasha)

5 TORAH: many meanings The Pentateuch (5 Books of Moses or Humash) Specific instructions or laws within the Pentateuch e.g. Torat ha-kohanim = the instruction for the priests The Tanakh The Tanakh and the Talmud The entirety of Jewish sacred learning

6 Prophets / Neviim: 8 books Former prophets (historical books): Joshua Judges Samuel (I and II) Kings (I and II) Later prophets (literary books): Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel The Twelve Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

7 Writing / Ketuvim: 11 books The Books of Truth Psalms Proverbs Job The Five Scrolls Song of Songs Ruth Lamentations Ecclesiastes Esther Daniel Ezra and Nehemiah Chronicles (I and II)

8 What is the Torah (Humash)? A book of divine instruction handed by God to Moses at Mt. Sinai The record of a peoples encounter with the divine A compendium of history, stories/legends, law, priestly regulations, prophecy, wisdom literature, and poetry that makes up the collective identity of a people Putting it all together: a sacred narrative, providing a common ancestry and holy mission, and forging a national identity (Satlow 10)

9 What binds this nation together? ancestry history covenant –unique mission –commandments from God (mitzvot) –land

10 West Asia to 1200 BCE The Fertile Crescent

11 Ancient Israel Confederation of tribes in Canaan (= Land of Israel / Palestine) (c. 12 th c.) Then a monarchy (11 th c.) that splits into 2 kingdoms (Judea and Israel) (10 th c.)


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