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Special Content Areas Sanford Creek. ARTART What do I learn in ART? Arts education benefits both student and society. Involving the "whole child" in.

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1 Special Content Areas Sanford Creek



4 What do I learn in ART? Arts education benefits both student and society. Involving the "whole child" in the arts gradually teaches many types of literacy while developing intuition, sensitivity, reasoning, imagination, and dexterity. Arts education helps students perceive and think in new ways. The following strands are included throughout the Arts education curriculum: PerceivingProducingKnowing Communicating EvaluatingConnecting

5 In the ART Room...


7 Guidance Hello! My name is Gina Haines. I am your school counselor at Sanford Creek Elementary School. The school counseling program follows the American School Counseling Association’s standards and competencies for K-5. My program is designed to provide all students with the opportunity to learn skills, knowledge, and attitude needed to become successful citizens and productive workers with a desire for life-long learning. Special Events and Programs Red Ribbon Week School-wide Service Learning Project Career Fair Angel Tree and Thanksgiving Baskets Backpack Buddies Food Drives Classroom Guidance Counseling Groups Parent Information Sessions Individual Counseling

8 The expectations in guidance classes support the school wide practice of Positive Behavior Support (PBS) known as SOAR. Below, each letter is broken into key areas that students demonstrate throughout the school. S – Safety First – Students will keep hands and feet to themselves while participating in guidance class. They will walk safely in the hallways and use equipment the way it is intended. O – Ownership of Our School – Students will help others as needed, clean up after themselves and leave each classroom as they found it. A – Achieve Success – Students will participate in guidance discussions and try their best to be successful in all areas. R – Respect – Students will demonstrate self respect and the respect of others opinions and abilities. “SOAR” Expectations In Guidance


10 MEDIA Reading is a window to the world. Inquiry provides a framework for learning Ethical behavior in the use of information must be taught. Technology skills are crucial for future employment needs. Equitable access is a key component for education

11 LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER  All students visit the Media Center at least 1 time per week, BUT if their teacher allows may come in small groups throughout the day to check out books.  Pre K & K: One book for one week  1 -2: Two books for 2 weeks  3-5: Four books for two weeks  Students have access to over 13,600 books representing the best in classic and current children’s literature, as well as books and materials that support the curriculum.  Through “Destiny” our online catalog, students and their families have access to our entire catalog/collection from any Web-enabled device.  Students may access Tumblebooks at home and school by going to & enter user name “sanfordcreek” and password “books”.  In addition to the computers in each classroom, students and teachers have access to a computer lab     Kid Pix  Kidspiration


13 SOAR in Music Be mindful of where my body is and make sure I’m in my own space Take care of all our instruments and put them away so others can use them Always try, try, try until I have it Respect myself, my friends and my teachers

14 What’s Happening in Music this Year? Kindergarten and 1st grades will perform on September 8, 2011 for our PTA Meeting. This performance will consist of 4-5 songs the children will learn in their first few weeks of school. Please plan to come enjoy their sweet voices! 2nd Graders will perform on November 2, 2011 3rd Grade will perform on March 29, 2012 for our Arts Night 4th Grade will have an opportunity to attend the NC Symphony 5th Grade will also have a performance TBD


16 PhysicalEducation Physical Education how to live a healthy and physically active lifestyle.The physical education classes, are designed to provide students with opportunities to learn skills on how to live a healthy and physically active lifestyle. Areas such as Literacy, Math, Social Studies, and Science are also supported with in the activities students will learn in class along with the use of technology tools such as heart rate monitors, pedometers, and computers as resources to support student learning.

17 P.E. Goals and Objectives Students will learn age and grade appropriate skills in areas of fitness, locomotor, manipulative and non-manipulative. Students will be able to demonstrate learned skills at a proficiency level and apply what they have learned to improve overall health. “SOAR” Behavior in P.E. S– Safety First: Students will wear sneakers or tennis shoes. Students will use their bodies and equipment in a safe manner as to not inflict harm on themselves or others. O– Ownership of your School: Students will use equipment as the teacher instructs during a lesson in order to preserve the proper function of the equipment. Students will also return equipment to its proper place. A– Achieve Success: Students will try their very best each day. Students will ask for assistance when needed and will practice skills outside of school. R– Respect: Students will demonstrate respect for self, others, and equipment.

18 Safety in PE!!!! Remember to wear your SNEAKERS!!! Sneakers or tennis shoes with laces or Velcro are acceptable. No CROCS, SANDALS, FLIP FLOPS or DRESS SHOES! Students will lose points off their participation if the appropriate footwear is not worn. Be sure to check with your child’s teacher to find out their assigned PE day.

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